Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Foreshadowing in Narratives
Foreshadowing (for-SHA-doe-ing) is the presentation of details, characters, or incidents in a narrative in such a way that later events are prepared for (or shadowed forth). Foreshadowing, says Paula LaRocque, can be a highly effective means of preparing the reader for what is to come. This storytelling device can create interest, build suspense, and provoke curiosity (​The Book on Writing, 2003). In nonfiction, says author William Noble, foreshadowing works well, so long as we stay with the facts and not impute motivation or circumstance that never happened (The Portable Writers Conference, 2007). Examples and Observations In the opening of The Wizard of Oz, set in Kansas, the transformation of Miss Gulch into a witch on a broomstick foreshadows her reappearance as Dorothys enemy in Oz.The witches in the opening scene of Shakespeares Macbeth foreshadow the evil events that will follow.[In My Journey to Lhasa, Alexandra] David-Neel . . . creates suspense with present tense, we look as if we are starting for a mere tour of a week or two, and foreshadowing, these spoons became, later on, the occasion of a short drama in which I nearly killed a man.(Lynda G. Adamson, Thematic Guide to Popular Nonfiction. Greenwood, 2006) Foreshadowing as a Form of "Backwriting" Foreshadowing can be, in fact, a form of back writing. The writer goes back through the copy and adds foreshadowing to prepare the reader for later events... This does not mean that you are going to give away the ending. Think of foreshadowing as setup. The best foreshadowing is subtle and is woven into the story--often in multiple ways. In this fashion, foreshadowing helps build tension and gives resonance and power to the story. (Lynn Franklin, Literary Theft: Taking Techniques From the Classics. The Journalists Craft: A Guide to Writing Better Stories, ed. by Dennis Jackson and John Sweeney. Allworth, 2002) Foreshadowing in Nonfiction With nonfiction, foreshadowing works well, so long as we stay with the facts and not impute motivation or circumstance that never happened. . . . No he should have thought... or she might have expected... unless we back it up factually.(William Noble, Writing Nonfiction--Using Fiction. The Portable Writers Conference, ed. by Stephen Blake Mettee. Quill Driver Books, 2007) [Alexandra] David-Neels seven chapters [in My Journey to Lhasa: The Classic Story of the Only Western Woman Who Succeeded in Entering the Forbidden City] describe harrowing travel to Thibet* and Lhasa. She creates suspense with present tense, we look as if we are starting for a mere tour of a week or two, and foreshadowing, these spoons became, later on, the occasion of a short drama in which I nearly killed a man.(Lynda G. Adamson, Thematic Guide to Popular Nonfiction. Greenwood Press, 2006) * variant spelling of Tibet Chekhov's Gun In dramatic literature, [foreshadowing] inherits the name Chekhovs Gun. In a letter, he penned in 1889, Russian playwright Anton Chekhov wrote: One must not put a loaded rifle on the stage if no one is thinking of firing it. Foreshadowing can work not only in narrative forms but also in persuasive writing. A good column or essay has a point, often revealed at the end. Which details can you place early to foreshadow your conclusion? (Roy Peter Clark, Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer. Little, Brown, 2006)
Monday, December 23, 2019
Figurative Language In Oedipus And Shakespeare - 1183 Words
Sophocles and Shakespeare were both literary artists that published works that have been respected and relevant centuries later. The unique language in historical literature assists in their interpretation and their relevance to modern understanding. The masterful wielding of language, diction, and metaphor contribute to various aspects of their work, adding both elements of drama and realism. By incorporating significant words and lines into their writings, Shakespeare and Sophocles create consistent and fluid plays and stories throughout their lives that offer timeless entertainment. The manipulation of speech seen through various characters such as Teiresias, Oedipus, Margaret, Richmond and Anne play a substantial and crucial role in†¦show more content†¦This juxtaposition of his persona between the two situations shows that Oedipus has fallen out of favor despite his previous heroic actions, and develops his changing character as someone who has turned to arrogance and i gnorance instead of believing anyone else’s advice. This distinguishes Oedipus as a protagonist who started out good and turned bad through the personality traits that arose when unfortunate circumstances occurred. This can be compared to the view of Richard in Shakespeare’s Richard III. Richard from the beginning is referred to in negative terms; Anne calls him a â€Å"dreadful minister of hell†(1.2.47) and similarly, Queen Margaret tells him to â€Å"hie thee to hell for shame, and leave the world, thou cacodemon!†(1.3.143-145). This view of Richard is seen through until the end, when Richmond calls him the â€Å"wretched, bloody, and usurping boar, that spoil’d your summer fields and fruitful vines, swills your warm blood like wash, and makes his trough in your embowell’d bosoms†(5.2.?). Through Richmond, Shakespeare uses figurative language in relating Richard to a boar (the emblem of Richard’s house) and casts him again in a negative light. As seen throughout Richard III, other than those who have been fooled by him, he is seen as a generally violent andShow MoreRelatedClassification of Literature3483 Words  | 14 PagesSonnet Song Elegy POINT OF COMPARISON | PROSE | POETRY | Form | Paragraph | Verse | Language | Words and rhythms of ordinary and everyday language | Metrical, rhythmical, figurative language | Appeal | Intellect | Emotions | Aim | Convince, Inform, Instruct | Stirs the readers imagination, present an ideal of how life should be and how life can be | A. Prose –is an ordinary form of written or spoken language without rhyme or meter, either fiction or nonfiction.Prose is writing that resemblesRead MoreLiterary Criticisms of Shakespeare’s Hamlet Essay1234 Words  | 5 Pages/ And I am sick at heart (I.i.8-9),(1) a foreshadowing of Prince Hamlets melancholy†(Doloff). Shakespeare created this character to indicate Hamlet’s prevalent sadness throughout the play. However, Shakespeare may have intended to give Francisco much more meaning. â€Å"The sentrys foreshadowing of the prince may, indeed, be seen to extend even further, by way of Franciscos embodiment of a figurative injunction against suicide, variously found in well-known works of Shakespeares day†(Doloff). ByRead MoreHumanities Test4641 Words  | 19 Pagesdellearte specialize in? 6.  What is satire? a literary genre or form, although in practice it is also found in the graphic and performing arts, or a literary technique that attacks foolishness by making fun of it. 7. ( T or F ) The prophecies in Oedipus Rex turn out to be wrong. True 8. One actor on stage, speaking his private thoughts aloud is an example of: Soliloquy 10. Satire does what: 11.  Only the opening sentence survives of : Aristotles essay on comedy pg 236 12.  ( T or F ) SatireRead MoreAmerican Literature11652 Words  | 47 Pageswords. The object of writing a poem is usually to make a very complicated statement using as few words as possible; as Laurence Perrine says, poetry may be defined as a kind of language that says more and says it more intensely than does ordinary language (517). Thus every word and stanza is packed with meanings. Poetic language could be said to have muscle because, in a sense, it is powerful. When a poet writes, he is trying to communicate with the reader in a powerful way. He uses the elements of
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Personal risk management plan Free Essays
Risk and costs happen all the time in our lives. Everyone will encounter a variety of risks. A risk management plan is a process that identifies loss exposures faced by an organization and selects the most appropriate techniques for trading such exposures. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal risk management plan or any similar topic only for you Order Now The first step for all of the risk plans is identifying the loss exposures. The first kind of loss exposure I’m identifying is health loss exposures. This kind of loss exposure can be costly, such as disability, sickness or even premature death. The second loss exposure is property loss, such as pet damage for the apartment. I have a cat for which I have to pay a deposit for it to live in the apartment, but it may damage the apartment and that will cost me; it’s a loss exposure. Loss of equipment can be a property loss such as a lost cell phone in class, a stolen Pad or a laptop left in the library. I lost my pod before and I know I will never get it back. Also, bank accounts or online accounts can be stolen or used by someone else. Car theft or a car accident can be accounted as a property loss. If the car gets stolen or if it gets into an accident, such as no fault, fault with property damage or fault with bodily injury, I won’t have anything to drive. The third one, for me, is the foreign loss exposures. Because I’m from a foreign country, I have to travel to go back home so when I take the plane, some loss exposures exist, such as acts of terrorism on the plane or at the airport, accidents, and lost baggage in the airport with all my belongings inside. Sometimes, when I purchase plane tickets I also purchase the flight insurance to cover up the loss if anything happens. Also the currency lost exposures are also under the foreign loss exposures. For example, I bought Chinese currency when the exchange rate was 1 :8 and now the exchange rate change to 1:6, I lost part of my money because of the change of the currency in the market and the possibility that the rate may keep dropping throughout times. The fourth catalog I have is the crime exposures including robbery and fire damage. In addition to the big part of crime exposures, there are Internet and computer loss exposures and identify loss, such as losing your passport or ID card. The second step for a risk management plan is to analyze the loss exposures and he third step is to select an appropriate risk management technique for treating the loss exposure utilizing the risk management matrix. There are a number of changes of loss under the health loss exposure catalog. According to my insurance policy, sickness is identified as â€Å"Illness or disease which first manifests itself, is contracted or commences, and for which a licensed physician identified diagnosis is recorded during the period the Insured Person’s coverage is in force†. The probability of me getting sick during the flu season is really high. I may have to go to the clinic to get reattempts and skip classes, which will cost me the chance to be in class and learn knowledge. For that circumstance, the loss frequency is low and the loss severity is not high, either. If I missed class while I was in the clinic, I could get an excuse for being sick. I could also ask my classmates for the notes and even email my professors to ask what I missed and study it by myself, after all. Depending on the risk management matrix in the case, my getting the flu fits the retention technique. But if I get a horrible virus from the flu that causes me to stay in the hospital and be absent or a few days, the loss severity will be higher because the cost of recovery will be higher and the cure time will be longer. In that case, I need the medical insurance that Marshall University requires all the international students to have. The medical expense benefits under the policy are the maximum benefit of $250,000 per injury and sickness with the deductible of $50 per policy year. The policy will pay 90% of the POP (preferred provider organization) allowance for covered medical expenses incurred until an out of pocket maximum of $5,000 has been met; then 100% of POP allowance is paid thereafter, and the accidental death benefit is $1 5,000 per life. From the technique of risk management, we can tell this kind of loss with low loss frequency and high severity belongs to the insurance. The insurance company won’t mind if it happened one time. Nonetheless, this kind of loss can be avoided easily, like keeping myself warm and washing my hands more often, not going out in the public so frequently during the flu season. Damage to my 2012 Mazda 3 because of a collision with another vehicle, nature, or another hazard would be handled through this risk management plan technique of insurance. My current auto policy has both the comprehensive coverage and collision coverage with a deductible set at $1,000 on each. Bodily injury liability of property damaging limit for each accident is $25,000; medical payments coverage for each person is $5,000. Uninsured motor vehicle coverage is If I get in an accident damaged the car and have to put it into the shop, I have the car rental and travel expenses coverage, and the insurance company will cover 80% of the rental for each day and $500 for each loss. Also the deductible is $400 on my car. Because I’m a new driver, in the case of an accident the loss severity is high. However, because I’m a new driver, I pay more attention to not cause an accident so the loss frequency is low. The appropriate risk management plan is insurance. Online and banking accounts can be hacked easily today, all of my information can be found online. Bank cards can be copied by online shopping; some websites reveal my payment information and a few days later I received a phone call from my bank telling me my card had been used on a few websites spending a mass of money on strange things. They thought is was identity theft so they froze my account and stopped the payments and also made a cancellation. Under this condition, loss frequency is really high and the loss severity can be high as well, so the appropriate risk management technique is avoidance. A foreign loss exposure such as currency is a high chance of loss. When I first came to the Untied States, the exchange rate between dollars and Chinese Yuan was 1 to 8. 3, it meaning 1 dollar was worst 8 Yuan. My father bought at least $25,000 and wired it to my account when the rate was around 1:8. 3, but a short time after the read, the rate went down to 1:7. China’s economy is growing, so fast that exchange rate is Just keeps dropping, so we lost some money Just because the currency rate was dropping and kept dropping. Using the risk management matrix, you can see the loss frequency is high because Chinese money is worth more value everyday and the loss severity is also high, so the best I can do it to avoidance the loss. So now my father only transfers little amounts of money to my account and puts the majority in the bank. Once I swipe the card in the USA the bank exchanges the money with the rent exchange rate to avoid the loss exposure from the rate dropping. I currently reside in an apartment in Huntington and my rental office requires that everyone have to have renters insurance. According the text, I would have low frequency and high severity when dealing with rental insurance. My renters insurance is through my host family’s homeowner’s insurance policy, which is provided from State Farm. My current deductible is set at $1000 and the current policy has the following covers the following: Personal Property up to $20,000, Personal Liability for each occurrence p to $100,000, Medical Payments for each occurrence up to $1,000, Credit Card/ Bank Card and Forgery up to $1,000, Damage to Property of Others up to $1,000, Loss of Use (Actual Loss Sustained) up to $500. The current policy also has added on Endorsements, which included the following: Jewelry and Fur up to $1000, Silver/ Gold ware Theft up to $2,500, Business Property up to $1 ,500, Firearms up to $2,500, Home Computer up to $5,000, Fire Department Service Charge up to $500 When reviewing the risk management, I find out I don’t really have a lot of protection insurance. When it is time for me to implement my plans by contacting insurance agencies and finding the best one to meet my needs. Then the step that I would take would be to go over all of my risk assessments every year to better insurance that I am getting the best deal. This would change if a major purchase occur, such as a child was born, or a newer car was purchased. My personal risk management will be easily assessed, because you continuously have to pay the bills on insurance and so you are reminded of it. However, it’s important to reconsider your policies and needs, so that you can revise your policies correspondingly. How to cite Personal risk management plan, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Strategies of Academic Writing
Question: Write about theStrategies of Academic Writing. Answer: A flawless academic writing is very important in todays world for students of both schools and colleges. Parents and guardians always encourage the children to read newspapers and storybooks both to have knowledge regarding the world and to develop well rhetorical skills and good stock of words. These are the thing, which helps a student to increase their understanding and thinking ability (Bertsch Pesta, 2014). After this come the three important aspects of writing skill. The first is taking notes, the second is paraphrasing and the third is summarizing. The learning, thinking and writing potentialities increases by these three strategies. In this essay there is a thorough discussion about the main aims of note-taking, paraphrasing and summarizing. Then one can accelerate these aspects of writing skills and the methods involved in it. In academic writing, it is very important that the students and the research scholars must adopt and follow certain strategies and rules so that the students can become more equipped in their field. Paraphrasing, taking notes and summarizing are the important strategies. First, there will be a discussion about the note taking technique. From the very childhood, one has heard about listening to the teachers in the classroom and writing in the notebooks. There are textbooks, which helps us to learn about specific matters but unless and until the teachers explain it to the students properly, the students are not capable of deciphering something from it. Nevertheless, the problem remains because the students cannot retain those things and they forget or topsy-turvy the things which he or she has learnt. For this reason, much emphasis is given on taking notes. Thus, the main functions of the note taking is to record facts and information and to have reflection of certain things, then it h elps the students to learn things from the notes (Blankenship, 2016). The other two purposes of taking note are to resolve problems for having a clear concept of complex documents, writing reports and solving mathematical problems. There are some procedures of taking notes. It is known to everyone that the average writing speed of a student is around 0.3 to 0.4 words/ second, whereas a lecturer speaks at a rate of around 2 to 3 words/second. The teachers will not explain one thing or dictate same thing more than once. Therefore, in that case the student has to develop their linguistic skill like acquiring the skills of abbreviation, writing the letters in short hand. There are some attributes which solves the problem of information transmission rather triggers the students to take more notes which helps them in their studies (Cromley Wills, 2016). They are: Writing on the board by the teachers helps the students to take notes accurately. Thus for the reason the teachers are suggest ed to write accurately and precisely on the boards. The teachers are also recommended to dictate slowly and with prominent vocal voice so that the student can understand and write the necessary things. An educator can also write things on the board by the form of listing things (Ruby Ruby, 2014). Another unique feature which the teachers or educators can use is macro-textual planning indicator which organize and structure the segments and division for example expressions such as firstly/secondly or first question/second question can be used to dictate or write on the board (Podhajski, 2016). All these factors enhance the students to take notes. Paraphrasing is another important strategy of the academic learning. The main purposes of the paraphrasing are to understand and critically analyze the facts from a particulars source. The second one is to avoid plagiarism and to write unique things about a particular matter. Plagiarism means writing or copying something from other sources. Paraphrasing helps to write things in a unique form. Another important feature is to provide proper evidence and documents in the writing. In paraphrasing, the writing is similar to the original writing. There are specific examples given in the paraphrasing part of writing. There must be proper evidence to substantiate the arguments. The use of in-text referencing and footnotes must be included in the paraphrasing. There are specific elements in properly paraphrasing the original work. The first thing is using the Academic Note Template, which helps to track the source and focus on the specific issues of the original text. The second important ste p is learning and reading the original text. There must be emphasis on important facts of the original work. However, one has to write from the original work but also in a unique form. Thus, in order to do the work uniquely one has to change the order of the ideas, one has to twist and change the structure and grammar of the original work (Griffiths et al. 2016). If plagiarism is found in any dissertation, thesis and other assignments then that thesis or dissertation might be totally rejected and in some cases a degree of the student is cancelled. Finally, the phrases of the original work must be change instead of changing the original work. Thus, facts derived from the internet must be properly referenced so from an authentic source. The prime thing is check all the information derived from the internet so that the sources must be of the renowned scholars. The in texting and citation must be accurate as that of the bibliography. Hence, it can be said that paraphrasing supports atta ining of the ethical responsibility of a writer and it increases the creative writing skill of a student (Hagaman, Casey, Reid, 2016). Summarizing is also one of the important aspects of writing skill. This is because if one writes a good summary then it denotes that one has clearly understood text or a document (Wong, 2014). Thus, a good summary helps the learners and readers to understand about the original text. Sometimes there is difficulty in writing summary, so for this reason there are eight steps, which are required to follow: - First, one has to search out the key points of the text. Then that key points have to be divided into parts by giving heading and sub-heading. One can also highlight some specific important terms. After this, one has to focus on the authors tone, main style of writing and the main things which the author wants to say to the readers. Then, to write summary the student or reader should definitely underline the exact main points and try to understand thoroughly if he or she cannot do it then one should clarify these important points (Higgins et al., 2015). After this in the main heading s and sub-headings one must write about the only prime points one must not include any trivial matter in these sections. Now, from these prime points one should construct a thesis statement, which reflects the main purpose of the summary. This thesis statement can be considered as the introduction part of the body and other headings should be the main body of the summary. A summary must contain a topic sentence, which provides facts about the creators of the piece, which one is summarizing, and contain about the title of this information. There are some important features, which makes the summary very precise and distinct. They are: - The summary should be written in present tense. The author and title of the original work must be there. The summary should be short in length; it should not be same just as like the main text. If the writer has to write the words of the author then he or she must cite the words, if not this then the writer must use his or her original words (Harris, 2016). There is no personal thinking, viewpoint in the summary. This is because the main aim of writing the summary is that it must contain the main ideas of the author written in the text, it is not a critical writing in which he or she gives her opinion (McDonough, Crawford De Vleeschauwer, 2014). A writer must avoid grammatical and punctuation mistake while writing the summary. Thus, to avoid these types of mistakes, one must check its work at least two or three times. If one follows these attributes while writing summary then definitely the main aim of the summary is fulfilled. In conclusion, one can say that the three weapons of writing skills that is paraphrasing, taking notes and summarizing are equally required to improve the writing skill of a student or any other person who is related to the academic field. A student has to be very attentive if he or she wants to perform well in writing skills. This is because in order to take class notes in school or college inevitably the students have to acquire concentration power because even if the teachers cooperate with the students. In many cases, it can be found that the teachers cannot give so much of time due to time or other things, and then the teacher has to be very fast. After this one can analysis about the paraphrasing. The main characteristic of the paraphrasing is to write according to the length of the original piece but one has to write in a unique and new form. Again summarizing the writing should be not equal to the original text, it should be precise but it must contain all the important ideas of the author. Finally, in both the cases the writer has to develop a strong linguistic sense, which uplifts the level of writing. Reference Bertsch, S., Pesta, B. J. (2014). Generating active learning.Acknowledgments and Dedication, 71. Blankenship, M. W. (2016). Comparing Note Taking And Test Performance( (Doctoral dissertation, Ball State University). Cromley, J. G., Wills, T. W. (2016). Flexible strategy use by students who learn much versus little from text: transitions within think?aloud protocols.Journal of Research in Reading,39(1), 50-71. Griffiths, G. G., Sohlberg, M. M., Kirk, C., Fickas, S., Biancarosa, G. (2016). Evaluation of use of reading comprehension strategies to improve reading comprehension of adult college students with acquired brain injury.Neuropsychological rehabilitation,26(2), 161-190. Hagaman, J. L., Casey, K. J., Reid, R. (2016). Paraphrasing strategy instruction for struggling readers.Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth,60(1), 43-52. Harris, R. (2016).Using sources effectively: Strengthening your writing and avoiding plagiarism. Routledge. Higgins, B., Reeh, M., Cahill, P., Duncan, D. (2015). Supporting Early and Ongoing University Student Experiences Through Academic Skills AdviserServices.Journal of the Australia and New Zealand Student Services Association. McDonough, K., Crawford, W. J., De Vleeschauwer, J. (2014). Summary writing in a Thai EFL university context.Journal of second language writing,24, 20-32. Podhajski, B. (2016). Teaching listening comprehension.Perspectives on Language and Literacy,42(3), 43. Ruby, P., Ruby, R. (2014). Note taking skills: everybody needs them.J. Bus. Econ,5(4), 443-448. Wong, L. (2014).Essential study skills. Nelson Education.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Marketing Channel Systems
LOHAS LOHAS stands for Lifestyle of Health sustainability. Demographically, LOHAS encompasses a market segment that is involved with sustainable living. People with the LOHAS lifestyle are relatively large percentage of the consumer market. These kind of consumers seek healthier and lifestyles that are sustainable and that determines the services and products that they buy.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Channel Systems specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Their lifestyles as well as purchasing decisions are basically influenced by the values that they have concerning issues like personal health, community health, social justice as well as the issue of environmental sustainability. Such consumers will for instance opt to go for renewable energy, solar power, organic food, products that can be or are recycled, natural cleaning products and eco-tourism among other options. People adopting the LOHAS lifestyle are known for campaigning for action to be taken on issues that they purport to be vital for human sustainability like cubing the problem of climate change, ensuring sustainability of the water resources as well as protecting the ecosystem (Carson, 1962). There is need for the producers or manufactures to consider the needs of the consumers with the LOHAS lifestyle so as retain these kinds of customers. The people with LOHAS values are increasing day by day and they are forming a very large market segment and tapping in such a market segment is vital. Businesses must therefore have this consumer population in mind by bringing environmental friendly products and this implies that they have to carry out socially friendly businesses. This therefore implies that values play a very significant role in the consumers’ purchasing decisions. Customer Value Hierarchy In marketing, the marketer is supposed to consider five levels of the product. Each level is supposed to add the consum er value and the five levels put together form the customer value hierarchy. The fundamental level constitutes core benefits. Marketers have to perceive themselves as being the benefit providers. A hotel guest for instance is perceived as buying rest and/or sleep. The core benefit is then turned to a basic product by the marketer at the next level which is the second level. A hotel room will for instance consist of the closet, a bed, the dresser and toilet among other products. At level three, the buyer’s expectations are met by the marketer by the preparation of the expected product as per the attributes or conditions that the consumer expects right from the beginning.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The marketer may for instance ensure a quiet environment, a clean room and a well lit room. Since most these hotels will meet this, the customer will opt to go for that which is cheaper or most convenient (Mentzer, 1971). At the next level, the marketer goes a step higher by preparing a product that surpasses the consumer’s expectations. Competition coupled with brand positioning mostly occurs at this level. Differentiation usually comes up due to product augmentation. The marketer looks at the user’s consumption system as a whole. Augmentation usually adds cost and with time its benefits become expected benefits. Most hotel guests will for instance expect to get a satellite television and internet access at the hotel premises. Hotels may therefore be forced to come up with new benefits. The next one is the fifth level and it encompasses the potential product with possible future transformations coupled with the argumentations. Here new distinguishable ways of ensuring customer satisfaction devised. Importance of Marketing Channel Systems A marketing system ensures coordination. It ensures a firm’s sustainable competitive advan tage over the other competitors as well as reduced costs of distribution. They also ensure growth and increased retailer power. With increased technological advancements and the transfer of the same facilitates easy transfer of ideas about products and their pricing. By using the system, a firm is in a position to attain its distribution objectives and in the long run it satisfies its customers. It also helps the firm to avoid the existing vulnerabilities and risks. A marketing channel system is very crucial in broadening the logistics issue by taking it as a significant section of the relationship of the marketing channel. It ensures efficient and quality customer service that is cost effective. It is vital in ensuring a partnership that is long-term and that which reduces redundancy and inefficiency in the system of logistics. All these ensure consistency and timeliness in product and service delivery, as well as protective packaging and cooperation (Robbs, 1993).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Channel Systems specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Benefits of Interactive Marketing Interactive marketing is usually preferred by most business firms as it as it gives the firm an upper hand over the other competitors. It is particularly preferred due to the fact it a good rapport is established with the customers. This method makes it easy for the business firm to get the target market over a wider audience. Technology can be effectively utilized in interactive marketing. The use of video can for instance be very effective in informing the potential consumers about the products are services being offered. The tactic ensures instant feedback and this enables the entrepreneur to improve on the marketing technique or the product quality. With interactive marketing, it is easy to monitor the requirements of the consumers, their behavior as well as there needs. The method is very effective ( Forrest, 1996). Reference List Carson, R. (1962). Silent Spring. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Forrest, E. (1996). Interactive Marketing. London: Macmillan. Mentzer, J. T. (1971). Logistics and Interdepartment Integration. International Journal of Physical Distribution Logistics Management , 50. Robbs, B. (1993). Marketing Channel Systems. Washington: Microsoft Corporation.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on Marketing Channel Systems was written and submitted by user Madeline Robbins to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Monday, November 25, 2019
THE CONSTITUTION (SIXTY-FIRST AMENDMENT) ACT, 1988 Essays - India THE CONSTITUTION (SIXTY-FIRST AMENDMENT) ACT, 1988 Statement of Objects and Reasons appended to the Constitution (Sixty-second Amendment) Bill, 1988 (Bill No. 129 of 1988) which was enacted as THE CONSTITUTION ( Sixty-first Amendment) Act, 1988 STATEMENT OF OBJECTS AND REASONS Article 326 of the Constitution provides that the elections to the House of the People and to the Legislative Assembly of every State shall be on the basis of adult suffrage, that is to say, a person should not be less than 21 years of age. It has been found that many of the countries have specified 18 years as the voting age. In our country some of the State Governments have adopted 18 years of age for elections to the local authorities. The present- day youth are literate and enlightened and the lowering of the voting age would provide to the unrepresented youth of the country an opportunity to give vent to their feelings and help them become a part of the political process. The present-day youth are very much politically conscious. It is, therefore, proposed to reduce the voting age from 21 years to 18 years. 2. The Bill seeks to achieve the above object. NEW DELHI; B SHANKARANAND. The 9th December, 1988. THE CONSTITUTION (SIXTY-FIRST AMENDMENT) ACT, 1988 [28th March, 1989.] An Act further to amend the Constitution of India. BE it enacted by Parliament in the Thirty-ninth Year of the Republic of India as follows:- 1. Short title.- This Act may be called the Constitution (Sixty-first Amendment) Act, 1988. 2. Amendment of article 326.-In article 326 of the Constitution, for the words "twenty-one years", the words "eighteen years" shall be substituted.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
MGT(3900) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
MGT(3900) - Essay Example She says that a smile is very valuable in her job because it makes her look very approachable and likeable which is very advantageous to the business. According to Sharon, one of her jobs is to ascertain customer’s needs and this is perhaps the most important part of her job because when the customers are satisfied with the quality service the company provides through the salesperson, the company grows as a result of clients being faithful to the company and also may help by recommending the company to friends and relatives. She also presents company products and services to the customers. She is always exposed to a lot of people from different walks of life and Sharon says that this makes her job most interesting. She is a natural sociable person and communicating with people is one of the things she loves because she learns a lot from them. However, she says that the job is tiring especially during holidays and summer vacations because these are the times they have many clie nts. She says that technology makes her job a lot
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Software Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Software Design - Essay Example Architecture is all about the User Interface (UI) of a system (Bass, Len, Paul C., and Rick K., 2003, 2nd Ed.). Software design is a sequence of reaching a solution to software hitches. It takes into consideration issues to do with compatibility, modularity, packaging, extensibility, robustness, security, fault-tolerance and usability. In a System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), software architecture forms the fundamentals that determine the design of that software by specifying the organization techniques to be implemented during the next step of designing. A software design document is a well written and stable description (done by the software designer) of the software product outlining all sections of software and their intended functionalities. This document is deemed to provide a complete description of the intended end result of the software, while keeping to a quality view of the system. Therefore, a well-documented bad design will serve no purpose if it describes â€Å"space†none existing features. It will be better to have a good design that conforms to the system architecture and organizational expectations but without documentation rather than a well-documented but poorly done design. The quality of any piece of code in a design would be determined by using varied code quality measurement techniques such as focus on the fundamentals of Object Oriented Programming styles and the design patterns; writing of clean codes (codes that are to the standards and principles in relation to the problem); and identifying WTFs â€Å"Bad Smells†within the code (Robert C. Martins). The need to experiment with software design is to gather information/ data about the design and analyze it by considering how the intended experimental factors would fit wholly into a model expected to meet the precise objective set for the experiment and satisfy the
Monday, November 18, 2019
Retake exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Retake exam - Essay Example However, increased activity leads to opening of air passages for more air. This leads to bronchodilation. 23. An infant born prior to 32 weeks gestation is likely to suffer from respiratory distress, a condition in which following the first breath the child is unable to re-inflate the lungs. What product is normally produced by the lungs to keep the lungs from collapsing upon themselves? 24. At about 34 weeks gestation specialized cells within the lungs begin to produce a lipid-rich detergent-like fluid that aids in maintaining inflation of the lungs. What cell are responsible for producing the fluids Compliance affects the expansion of the lung and hence only affects inspiration as reduced oxygen enters the lung. Expiration is not affected. Inspiration is only affected as the lung gets stiffer making it difficult for acquisition of oxygen. The law shows that indirect proportionality does not exist between gas and partial pressure. However, the law states that a gas that dissolves in any given liquid directly relates to the partial pressure. Breathing is a crucial process in human. In human, the action involves breathing in and out. This is accomplished due to the variation in pressure within the thorax as compared to the outside. The process also requires the use of muscles. The most essential muscles for the process are intercostals muscles located between the ribs (â€Å"Mechanism of Breathing 1†). Once human inhale the muscles and diaphragm contacts to expand the chest capacity. This causes the diaphragm to flatten. As a result, it moves downwards, and the intercostals muscles move the rib cage upwards and out. This significantly alters the air pressure. The increase in size leads to a reduction in the internal air pressure (â€Å"Mechanism of Breathing 1†). On the other hand, air from the outside moves into the lungs to equalize the pressures. In exhaling, the reverse takes place. The diaphragm together with the muscles relaxes
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Pure Enantiomers of Phenylethylamine Mixture
Pure Enantiomers of Phenylethylamine Mixture Introduction The purpose of this laboratory was to resolve the pure enantiomers of ( ±)-ÃŽ ±-phenylethylamine (racemic) mixture, by separating their diasteriomeric derivatives using (+)-tartaric acid. The differing enantiomers form different salts with acids. Two molecules that are enantiomers have nearly identical physical and chemical properties although this may be true, the salts that are formed after the reaction with acid have distinct properties. Some salts are less soluble [(+)(-)] than others, and therefore crystallize from the mixture in a nearly pure stereoisomeric form. When using NaOH as a strong base to treat the salt, it allows for the isolation of the enantiomer (Lab Manual, 2007). Polarimetry is a common method used to distinguish between enantiomers, based on their ability to rotate the plane of polarized light in opposite directions (+ and -). This allows the observer to determine the enantiomeric purity, and therefore the composition of the mixture (Wade, 2007 Chemical Reaction: (-)-amine (+)-amine less soluble salt [(-)(+)]: crystallizes more soluble salt [(+)(+)] remains in solution 2NaOH + 2H2O (-)-ÃŽ ±-phenylethylamine (Lab Manual, 2007) Procedure: Instead of using a 50 mL beaker to boil the amine solution in, we used a 50 mL Erlenmyer flask For the rest of the proceduce refer to pg. 18, 22-24 (Lab Manual, 2007) Observations: The crystals were given a 4 week crystallization period and afterward, the (-)-ÃŽ ±-phenylethylamine- (+)-hydrogen tartrate salt was observed to be a white crystalline solid, and the methanol was a transparent liquid. Two very distinct layers were visible following the reaction with the NaOH (strong base) and addition of the methylene chloride (CH2Cl2). The top layer was translucent in some places and opaque in others, very cloudy, white liquid, while the bottom layer was transparent and also liquid. The resultant mixture following the three separate extractions was close to transparent Discussion: When the (+)-tartaric acid was added to the racemic mixture, ( ±)-ÃŽ ±-phenylethylamine, (-)-amine-(+)-hydrogen tartrate, and (+)-amine-(+)-hydrogen tartrate salts were formed. The (-)-amine-(+)-hydrogen tartrate was much less soluble in methanol, and therefore crystallized out of the solution (Lab Manual, 2007). This method of separation was proven to be quite successful, as the percent yield of this crystallization was 73.1 %, which is relatively high. The presence of impurities, as well as the inability to completely crystallize the salt from methanol most likely attributed to any discrepancies. It is also possible that although the (-)(+) salt is less soluble than the other salts, it still has some sort of solubility, and therefore crystallizes rather slowly (hence the mandatory 2 week waiting period, in our case it was 4 weeks). As well, the other salts, despite their high solubility in methanol, may have still crystallized very slightly over the long waiting period, adding to impurities Addition of NaOH resulted in the formation of two distinct layers: a white, cloudy aqueous layer (top), and a clear amine layer (bottom), and allowed for the isolation of (-)-ÃŽ ±-phenylethylamine (Lab Manual, 2007). The addition of 5 mL of water to the flask confirm that the top layer was the aqueous layer, since it increased relative to the bottom layer and the water was absorbed here (Lab Manual, 2007). The aqueous layer consisted of the (-)-amine, along with sodium tartrate, and water, while the amine layer included any impurities. The sodium tartrate readily dissolved in water, while methylene chloride (CH2Cl2) was added to dissolve (-)-ÃŽ ±-phenylethylamine (boiling point ~ 186oC), since it had a lower boiling point (40oC), and could easily be removed through heating (Synthesis and resolution of alpha-phenyethylamine. After a filtration process, including a series of extractions, there was percentage yield of 61.3% for the (-)-ÃŽ ±-phenylethylamine, which is a lower yield than the original 73.1 %, indicating that there was a loss of amine during the second part of the experimental procedure. The main cause of this error was the accidental disposal of much of the amine layer, in which a small amount of (-)-ÃŽ ±-phenylethylamine was still present. The presence of some impurities may have also affected results, however, they would have instead increased the yield and lead to misleading results. Another possible cause of error is the slight leakage out of the glass stopper on the separatory funnel when the solution was shaken. There was a bit of solution that leaked out the bottom or squirted out the top when releasing the pressure in the funnel. Subsequently, the error that substantially lowered the yield of the product greatly increases the optical purity of the mixture. The observed rotation of the final sample was -31. 8o (levorotary, left hand rotation) and the specific rotation was -33.8o compared with the empirical specific rotation of -40.4o  ± 0.2o (Lab Manual, 2007). The resultant optical purity was 83.7%, which is considerably high. Aside from the previously mentioned disposal of the organic layer, numerous other errors, such as the presence of impurities may have contributed to deviations in the optical purity. The negative (counter clockwise) rotation essentially confirmed that the enantiomer being isolated was the (-)-ÃŽ ±-phenylethylamine, and the high optical purity demonstrated that the extraction was accomplished with much success and considerable accuracy, since the final product was mainly (-)-amine, despite the relatively low yield.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Chemistry: Acid-base Titration Essay -- essays research papers
Chemistry: Acid-Base Titration Purpose: Â Â Â Â Â The objective of this experiment were: a) to review the concept of simple acid-base reactions; b) to review the stoichiometric calculations involved in chemical reactions; c) to review the basic lab procedure of a titration and introduce the student to the concept of a primary standard and the process of standardization; d) to review the calculations involving chemical solutions; e) to help the student improve his/her lab technique. Theory: Â Â Â Â Â Titration was used to study acid-base neutralization reaction quantitatively. In acid-base titration experiment, a solution of accurately KHP concentration was added gradually to another solution of NaOH concentration until the chemical reaction between the two solutions were completed. The equivalence point was the point at which the acid was completely reacted with or neutralized by the base. The point was signaled by a changing of color of an indicator that had been added to the acid solution. Indicator was substance that had distinctly different colors in acidic and basic media. Phenolphthalein was a common indicator which was colorless in acidic and neutral solutions, but reddish pink was result in basic solutions. Strong acid (contained H+ ion) and strong base ( contained OH ) were 100% ionized in water and they were all strong electrolytes. Procedure: Part A. Investigating solid NaOH for use as a possible primary standard First o...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Custom Mold Inc
Case Study Background Custom Molds Inc produces custom made molds for plastic parts and manufactures connectors for the electronics industry. The father founders of Custom Molds Inc are father and son, Tom and Mason Miller, in 1987 which is located in Tucson, Arizona. Tom Miller who is a mechanical engineer, had vast experience in the connector industry with AMP. Mason Miller is a double degree holder in chemistry and chemical engineering, a graduate from Arizona State University.Originally, the company manufactured electronic connectors with source of high quality, custom made molds for producing plastic parts. They worked closely with their customers so that they can meet the customers’ requirements and their mold have to meet the exact standards and have to be unique. Once the customers have moved from the design and pilot-run stage of development to large-scale production, they will place orders for multiple molds. Custom Mold’s reputation grew with the years as a d esigner and fabricator of precision molds.With the reputation, the Millers decided to expand into the limited manufactures of plastic parts and new equipments were added such as ingredient mixing facilities and injection molding equipment. In the mid-1990s Custom Mold’s reputation grew to include being a supplier of high quality plastic parts. Due to limited capacity, the company decided to concentrate its sales efforts on supplying parts that were used in limited quantity for research and development efforts and in preproduction pilot runs. Production ProcessesBy 2000, Custom Molds operations involved two distinct processes which are fabricating molds and producing plastic parts. Both the processes are inter-connected for an instance, when a customer places an order, Custom Molds both fabricate a mold and produce the necessary parts to support the customer’s research and design efforts. All fabrication and production operation were housed in a single facility. Fabrica tion molds requires a skill-oriented, craftsman-driven process. When an order is received, a design team, consisting of a design engineer and one of 13 master machinists, reviews the design specification.Working with the customer, the team comes up with the final specification for the mold and passes it to the master machinist for fabrication. At the same time, the specification is given to the purchasing department, who orders the required raw materials. It usually takes about three to four weeks for the raw material to arrive. Once the materials have been received, the plant master scheduler reviews the workload of the assigned master machinist and schedules the mold for fabrication. Fabricating a mold usually takes up to two to four weeks, depending in the amount of work the machinist already has scheduled.The fabrication process takes only three to five days. Once completed, the mold is tested and inspected, where it is used to produce a small number of parts on one of the injec tion molding machines. If the mold passed the required specification, it is then sent for cleaning and polishing, and then packed and sent to customers. If at all the mold fails, it is sent to the maser machinist for retooling and the process starts all over. Currently, Custom Molds holds a lead time of nine weeks for delivery of the molds. The manufacturing of the plastic parts is different from mold fabrication.An order for parts may be received in conjunction with an order for a mold to be fabricated. For instances, if the Custom Molds already have made the molds, an order may be jus for parts. If the mold is already available, the order is reviewed by the design engineer, who verifies the part and material specifications. If the is any doubts, the design engineer will contact the customer and clarifies the doubts. Once the parts and raw materials are accepted, orders are placed for the raw materials and production in scheduled for the order. Chemicals and compounds used for the manufacturing are ordered and received within a week.When received, the compound is dry-mixed and blended to achieve the correct composition. Then the mixture is wet-mixed to the desired consistency, called slurry, for injection into molding machine. When ready, the slurry is transferred to the injection molding area by an overhead pipeline and deposited in holding tanks adjacent to the injection machines. The whole process takes only one day. When the slurry is staged and ready, the proper molds are secured from the inventory or from the clean and polish operation if new molds were fabricated for the order and the parts are manufactured.Although different parts require different temperature and pressure settings, the time to produce a part is relatively constant. Custom Molds has the capacity to produce 5000 parts per day in the injection molding department; historically however, the lead time for handling orders in the department has averaged one week. Once molding is completed, t he parts are taken to the cut and trim operation, where they are disconnected and leftover flashing is removed. Once inspection is completed, the parts are either taken for assembling or transferred to packing and shipping area for shipment to customer.If assembly of the final parts is not required, the parts will be sent to customer within two days after being molded. Sometimes the final product needs assembling. Typically, this entails attaching metal leads to plastic connectors. If assembling is need, additional three days are required before they can be sent to customer. Customs Molds currently have a lead time of three weeks for parts not requiring fabricated molds. The Changing Environment In the early 2009, Tom and Mason Miller realized that the electronic industry they supplied and their own business was changing.Electronic manufacturers have decided to make their own components to reduce cost and ensure timely supply of parts. By the 1990s, this trend has changed. Manufactu ring were developing strategic partnerships with the parts suppliers to ensure the timely delivery of high quality, cost effective parts. This has allowed for other funds to be used on other uses with larger return on investment. During the same period, Custom Molds started to have issues with delivery. Customers were complaining to delay in the delivery of the parts instead of the promised dateline.When asked about the situation, the master scheduler stated that it is difficult in determining when a particular order will be delivered. Bottlenecks were occurring during the production process, but where and when it will occur cannot be predicted. The bottleneck started to move to other operations. Tom Miller thought that that he had excess labor capacity in the mold fabrication area. He came up with a solution to push through the schedule by assigning one of the master machinist to identify the expediting those late orders. However, the tactic wasn’t effective. Complaints abou t late delivery were still coming in. o add on to the problem, two defective parts were returned. Tom Miller knows something has to be done. 1. What are the major issues facing Tom and Mason Miller? The Electronics industry to which they supplied was changing very rapidly The millers are facing the shrinking size of their core market; traditionally fabrication. These changes impact both the fabrication and the manufacturing sides of the business. For fabrication, although the number of orders remained around the same, the market for multiple molds was shrinking, so the absolute number of fabricated was reducing.The Demand for multiple molds is declining Earlier Custom Molds used to produce custom designed molds in majority but through the data provided we can analyze that in the last 3 years, the company has been getting more and more orders in the production of plastic parts consistently and the orders for custom molds have been decreasing. This calls for a mass production of plast ic parts. Inefficient Testing and Inspection Process It has been mentioned in the case that two orders were returned recently because of number of defective parts in those batches.This can be attributed to the inefficiency of the testing and inspection team. The transportation, packing, shipping etc. costs have to be incurred by the company and could have been avoided if the testing and inspection been rigorous. Increase in order sizes for plastic parts There has been a shift in demand from custom molds to plastic parts. Therefore there is a need to change the layout of the plant to something more suitable for mass production. Difficulties Meeting Quality Objectives As demand characteristics increased for manufacturing parts, there was consequent increase in lead time on parts.Customers are complaining about the late delivery of the products. This will lead to loss of credibility in front of their customers. Bottlenecks were occurring throughout the manufacturing process and quality issues were increasing. There was unplanned growth beyond the available capacity given the process issues. There were numerous non-value-adding processes throughout the workflow including delays, many inspection steps, storage and transport. Parts were not being manufactured at optimum speeds and as pressures of late deliveries and mounting backlogs built up. Thus, the quality of finished goods suffered. . What are the competitive priorities for Custom Mold’s Processes and the changing nature of the industry? Previously a. High quality product Custom Mold previously strive for top quality product for their customers and grew reputation of one of the most consistent company that strive for quality products b. Flexibility in customer orders Customization was their priorities. They fully concentrate on customers orders requirements and needs and try their best to meet those requirements. c. On time delivery Custom Mold managed to deliver all of their products to the customers w ithin the required timeEarly 2009 Due to changing nature of the industry, more customers are making strategic partnership with supplier to ensure the timely delivery of high quality and cost effective parts. As we can see, the competitive of the industry, the demand is changing and Custom Mold also must be aware of this. They must change their competitive priorities to continue compete in the industry. They might have to change their layout for molds from job shop to small batch process in this changing process. Below are the suggested competitive priorities: a. Consistent quality productsThey should maintain the quality of their products b. Cost effective They might achieve this by changing the layout from job shop to small batch process. Small batch process allows products to be made in larger volume and low variety from the job shop process. High volume tends to reduce cost per unit and can directly lowered the operation cost. c. On time delivery With customers focus on on time s hipment for their products, Custom Mold cannot simply overlook to this competitive priority. On time delivery ensure the customer trust to them and they have to be excellent on that. 3.What alternatives might the Millers pursue? What key factors should they consider as they evaluate these alternatives? Short term alternatives a. Layout of the plant should be changed Custom Molds need to change the plant layout from job shop to assembly line. This is because the company is getting more orders for manufacture of plastic parts consistently over the last three years. The demand form from the customers changed from highly customized and high quality to cost effective and timely delivery of high quality products are the strongest proof why they need to change their argument. . Identify bottlenecks in production process This is important in order for Custom Molds to retain their clients. The bottlenecks might be due the process layout in the company. Two different process for a different p roduct might overlap each others and create confusion to the process. c. Improve the efficiency of Testing and Inspection Team As has been mentioned in the case, two orders have been rejected by the customer. For this not to happen again, the efficiency of Testing and Inspection team needs to be improved. Long Term Alternatives a. Investment in Research and DevelopmentCompany would be better off to invest in R&D in order to stay ahead of its competition. R&D can often show ways to reduce costs by maintaining the same quality. b. Expansion Plans As the orders increase, company should plan for some expansion plans or some new plants to cater to increasing demand. c. Phase-out the production of Custom Molds As the numbers of orders for Custom Molds are decreasing consistently over the last 3 years, the company should look out for phasing out the production of custom molds as the company may start losing out money.Recommendations 1. Shift to Assembly Line As the number of orders for big order sizes are increasing for plastic parts, the plant layout should be changed from job-shop to an assembly line production. 2. Operational Excellence The company should focus on overall efficiency in terms of process, movement and inter-department communication. 3. Market Research The company should do extensive market research to ascertain customer’s needs and use it to determine the needs of facility and human resources.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Understanding the Benefits of Information and Communication Technology to Private Businesses in Jamaica Essay Example
Understanding the Benefits of Information and Communication Technology to Private Businesses in Jamaica Essay Example Understanding the Benefits of Information and Communication Technology to Private Businesses in Jamaica Essay Understanding the Benefits of Information and Communication Technology to Private Businesses in Jamaica Essay Understanding the benefits of Information and Communication Technology to Private Businesses in Jamaica Shavonae Johnson ID# 0900724 Stephen Clarke 0901750 University of Technology, Jamaica Research Methodology, Semester 2 Mr. F. Vassel March 11, 2013 Rationale This study was conceptualized for the reason that there is a need for private businesses to incorporate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) within their organizations. In this Information age, investment in ICT is critical to business survival, economic and social development.As such, the Minister of Science, Technology, Energy and Mining, Hon. Phillip Paulwell, is encouraging members of the private sector to partner with the Government for the construction of office space, in the ICT sector. ICT is one area of the sector plans that form the basis for Vision 2030 Jamaica. The plan outlines strategic frame-works and action plans. One strategy speaks to encouraging public and private sector partnerships to establish I nternet connectivity and access.Such a strategy would be carried out by promoting the formation of cybercentres by private entities to facilitate business growth, job distribution and creation across the country (Task Force, 2009). The Jamaican Government is actively seeking opportunities for private partnership to develop additional ICT space to meet growing demand. â€Å"With the current expansion rate and projected growth of the ICT sector, it is expected that 5,000 jobs will be created over the next three years†(S. F. Abrahams, 2012). Problem StatementInformation and Communication Technology is a fast growing sector around the world today and many opportunities are out there for private business owners to take advantage of. However, there is a great need for private businesses to incorporate ICT within their organizations. Purpose The purpose of this paper is to understand the benefits that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have on private businesses in Jama ica and how it will aid in the development of these organizations. Research Questions/ Sub-topics 1. The development of ICT in Jamaica. . What level of knowledge do private businesses have about Information and Communication Technology (ICT)? 3. To what extent will private businesses benefit from incorporating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in their organizations? 4. What are the opportunities for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to facilitate the private businesses’ contribution to the country’s development? 5. What are some of the challenges that private businesses may face with regards to Information and Communication Technology? SignificanceThe significance of this study is to find out ways in which private business owners in Jamaica may use ICT to aid in the maintenance, growth and development of their companies. The main beneficiaries from this research are private businesses that incorporate or will incorporate Information and Commu nication Technology, as well as those that know nothing about ICT. With the inclusion of technology to these businesses, they will thrive and owners will be pleased. Key Definitions * Information and Communication Technology the study or business of developing and using technology to process information and aid communications. Webopedia, 2013) * Private Business a company owned either by non-governmental organizations or by a relatively small number of shareholders or company members. (Wikipedia, 2013) * Vision 2030 Jamaica a 21-year plan based on a vision to make ‘Jamaica the place of choice to live, work, raise families, and do business. (Construction Task Force, 2009) * Cybercentre a place that offers computer and internet services to people, companies, and organizations. (Cambridge Dictionaries Online, 2013) Literature Review IntroductionInformation and Communication Technology (ICT) is widely acknowledged as an important resource for socio? economic advancement in bot h developed and developing countries. This is doubly so against the backdrop of the global economy which is driven by the â€Å"information age†. Private businesses in Jamaica, however, face enormous challenges in its ability to utilize these resources for its growth and development agenda. Limitations range from infrastructural constraints to an individual’s ability to convert access to ICT into tangible benefits in light of other environmental constraints.In this context, shared use models of access such as telecenters, libraries and internet cafes, are important means of making ICTs available. Not only do they bring the technology closer (physically and financially) to people who would otherwise have no access, but they may also provide additional value in the teaching and learning environments they foster. Objectives of the Review In view of the topic about Understanding the benefits of Information and Communication Technology to Private Businesses in Jamaica we se t out to review and analyze what is known about this.The review focused on the following issues: 1. The development of ICT in Jamaica. 2. What level of knowledge do private businesses have about Information and Communication Technology (ICT)? 3. To what extent will private businesses benefit from incorporating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in their organizations? 4. What are the opportunities for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to facilitate the private businesses’ contribution to the country’s development? 5. What are some of the challenges that private businesses may face with regards to Information and Communication Technology?The Review Process This review is the result of a targeted search for literature on ICT and the impact of it on private business and the development in Jamaica, which returned a number of resources. From these, we selected and reviewed a few articles and reports focusing on private business access to ICT via dif ferent mediums. The Development of ICT in Jamaica According to the online article â€Å"The State of ICT in Jamaica: Readiness versus Competitiveness†written by Evan Duggan, Jamaica has responded to the challenge of reducing the digital divide.The Government Of Jamaica, in its 2009 Information And Communications Technology Policy, stated that Technology (ICTs) have over the past two decades paved the way for economic and social development across the world. According to a 2005 Report on Survey by Jamaica Computer Society Education Foundation (JCSEF) titled â€Å"Training Needs Assessment of Jamaica’s Information and Communications Technology Sector†background data from secondary sources suggest that ICT developments in Jamaica are far advanced and well supported by Government policies and provisions.The Jamaican ICT Sector has been growing in terms of technological awareness and resources. According to Evan Duggan, as it relates to Software and Information Sys tems Development, there is much more room for improvement. Benefits of incorporating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to private businesses? Ritchie and Brindley (2005) define Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as the array of primarily digital technologies designed to collect, organize, store, process and communicate information within and external to an organization, such as a private business.The incorporation of ICT is fundamental in the operation and development of any organization in today’s corporate world (Ashington, 2009; United Nation Conference On Trade And Development, 2011). In the opinion of Ashington’s (2009), his research suggested that the investment of ICTs’ had allowed organizations to reach new market, maximize employee’s engagement and productivity and improve levels of production. Similarly, UNCTAD held the view that ICT use could lower business costs, facilitate business registration and licensing, improve tax policies and administration, and facilitate trade.UNCTAD maintained that the process of registering an organization or obtaining a business license could be improved by the use of ICT, especially by enhancing access to the procedures through automation thus reducing the scope for corruption. UNCTAD’s research demonstrated that ICT supported reforms had contributed to private enterprises, particularly by speeding up the process of obtaining business licenses and permits via online use. In addition, UNCTAD’s research provided evidence that the automation of registration procedures, because of ICT, had led to an increase in the number of new firms in an economy.Secondly, the research by UNCTAD (2011) and the opinion of BELL (2007) had suggested that ICT helped reduce corruption by automating interactions between businesses and the government in order to limit the scope for human intervention and bribery, which resulted in lower business costs. Additionally, UNCTADâ₠¬â„¢s research suggested, â€Å"ICT had proved to contribute to reforms of tax policies and procedures through the introduction of electronic filing of returns, electronic payment of taxes, and the provision of taxpayer services via the Internet. Consequently, online filing of taxes had saved time for enterprises because of a reduction of forms and procedures. Finally, UNCTAD (2011) held the view the implementation of modern ICT solutions in private sector significantly improved the efficiency of many customs administrations (Trading). Such solutions, according to UNCTAD (2011), facilitated in the completion and processing of customs declarations electronically and other paperwork associated with importing and exporting.According to UNCTAD (2011), electronic customs declarations had proven to bring clearance times down and to reduce the time that goods had to stay at border crossings and in ports; most importantly, this leads to a reduction in costs to business. What are the opport unities for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to facilitate private businesses’ contribution to the country’s development? Information and Communication Technology (ICT) provides economic opportunities for all population and provides increased productivity. Asian Development Bank (2013) stated that Rapid advances in information and ommunication technology (ICT) have created tremendous opportunity for economic and social gains in the world’s poorest areas. Developing country is the term used to describe a nation with low levels of material well-being. These countries are usually said to be economically unstable due to undeveloped industrial bases, low Human Development Index (HDI), etc. HDI speaks to the levels of employment, education and life expectancy which are used to rank countries. The argument on whether ICT creates or destroys jobs is still a baffling conflict.However theory suggests that ICT can lead to innovation, which may result in outpu t growth and a concomitant growth in jobs. ICT’s innovations may create or change many existing jobs. By computerizing many aspects of private business’s ICT provides job such as: Engineering, Programming, System analysis and machine operators, etc. The development of any country is highly dependent on the quality of its education. According to Sylvester (cited from the World Bank Report 2005) one measure of national education attainment is the average number of years of schooling adults possess.This means that education transformation must make provision so that the average number of years of schooling for adults is extended. With the implementation of ICT and the creation of jobs in the private sector, more opportunity arises for adults to return to school and further their education. These also give young adults more options, opportunities and motivation for higher education. According to the World Bank report after secondary institution a high percentage of student s do not attend tertiary institution, some because of the lack of opportunity and other the lack of interest.Study has also shown that after tertiary education many students migrate overseas to find work. Jobs created through ICT can decrease the number of migrants. Ogunsola 2005 (cited from Faye 2000) mentioned that ICT’s are offering even less developed countries a window of opportunities to leapfrog the industrialization stage and transform their economies that can compete with the advanced economics on the global market. Embracing technological innovations is one of the most efficient ways to benefit from globalization.In today’s economic small and developing countries cannot afford to miss out on globalization. The introduction of private businesses can have a big impact on countries development. When these private businesses implement ICT it helps countries to be opened up to globalization and the benefits thereof. Citations Ashington, A. (2009). Accessible Infor mation and Communication Technologies. Retrieved from onevoiceict. org/sites/default/files/Accessible%20ICT%20%20Benefits%20to%20Business%20and%20Society. pdf Bell. (2007).The Benefits of ICT. Retrieved from bell. ca/web/enterprise/newsRoom/en/pdf/Benefits-of-ICT-White-PaperEN. pdf Modimogale, L. , amp; Kroeze, J. H. (2011). The Role of ICT within Small and Medium Enterprisesin Gauteng. Retrieved from ibimapublishing. com/journals/CIBIMA/2011/369288/369288. pdf Ritchie, B. and Brindley, C. (2005), ICT Adoption by SMEs: Implications for Relationships andManagement, New Technology, Work and Employment, 20(3), 205-217. United Nation Conference On Trade And Development. (2011).Information Economy Report2011: ICTs as an Enabler for Private Sector Development. Retreived fromhttp://unctad. org/en/PublicationsLibrary/ier2011_en. pdf JCSEF. 2005. Training Needs Assessment of Jamaica’s Information and Communications Technology Sector. Heart Trust/NTA. Retrieved March 6, 2013 from http: //lms. heartnta. org/DesktopModules/DocumentView. aspx? TabId=0amp;Alias=ppdd. lms. heart-ntaamp;Lang=en-USamp;ItemId=983amp;wversion=Staging Evan Duggan. 2008. The State of ICT in Jamaica: Readiness versus Competitiveness. E-Novation Jamaica.Retrieved March 6, 2013 from, http://enovationjamaica. pbworks. com/w/page/18449444/The%20State%20of%20ICT%20in%20Jamaica%3A%20Readiness%20vs%20Competitiveness Information and Telecommunications Department Office of the Prime Minister. 2009. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Policy. Broadcasting Commission. Retrieved March 6, 2013 from, broadcastingcommission. org/uploads/publications/GOJ-ICT_Policy. pdf Author Unknown. 2013. ADB’s work to improve Access to Information and Communication Received March 4, 2013 from
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Wellness
WELLNESS Wellness: The condition of good physical and mental health, especially when maintained by proper diet, exercise, and habits. I can think of lots of things I could do to maintain my wellness, but between work, school, two kids, and housework, I barely have time to go to the bathroom. As soon as I can free up my schedule (like when the kids go to college) I would like to try regular massage therapy sessions. I think a monthly massage would do wonders for my physical and mental health by relieving my back pain and relaxing my mind, body, and soul. What is a therapeutic massage? Therapeutic massage involves the manipulation of the soft tissue structures of the body to prevent and alleviate pain, discomfort, muscle spasm, and stress; and, to promote health and wellness. The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) defines massage therapy as a profession in which the practitioner applies manual techniques, and may apply adjunctive therapies, with the intention of positively affecting the health and well-being of the client. Massage therapy improves functioning of the circulatory, lymphatic, muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems and may improve the rate at which the body recovers from injury and illness. Massage involves holding, causing movement of soft tissue, and/or applying pressure to the body. It comes in many forms, including Swedish (a gentle, relaxing massage), pressure point therapy (for certain conditions for injuries), and sports massage (focuses on muscle groups relevant to the particular sport.) How can a massage be medically beneficial? People find that therapeutic massage can help with a wide range of medical conditions, including: Allergies Anxiety and stress Arthritis (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis) Asthma and bronchitis Carpal tunnel syndrome Chronic and temporary pain Circulatory problems Depression Digestive disorders, including spastic ... Free Essays on Wellness Free Essays on Wellness WELLNESS Wellness: The condition of good physical and mental health, especially when maintained by proper diet, exercise, and habits. I can think of lots of things I could do to maintain my wellness, but between work, school, two kids, and housework, I barely have time to go to the bathroom. As soon as I can free up my schedule (like when the kids go to college) I would like to try regular massage therapy sessions. I think a monthly massage would do wonders for my physical and mental health by relieving my back pain and relaxing my mind, body, and soul. What is a therapeutic massage? Therapeutic massage involves the manipulation of the soft tissue structures of the body to prevent and alleviate pain, discomfort, muscle spasm, and stress; and, to promote health and wellness. The American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) defines massage therapy as a profession in which the practitioner applies manual techniques, and may apply adjunctive therapies, with the intention of positively affecting the health and well-being of the client. Massage therapy improves functioning of the circulatory, lymphatic, muscular, skeletal, and nervous systems and may improve the rate at which the body recovers from injury and illness. Massage involves holding, causing movement of soft tissue, and/or applying pressure to the body. It comes in many forms, including Swedish (a gentle, relaxing massage), pressure point therapy (for certain conditions for injuries), and sports massage (focuses on muscle groups relevant to the particular sport.) How can a massage be medically beneficial? People find that therapeutic massage can help with a wide range of medical conditions, including: Allergies Anxiety and stress Arthritis (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis) Asthma and bronchitis Carpal tunnel syndrome Chronic and temporary pain Circulatory problems Depression Digestive disorders, including spastic ... Free Essays on Wellness I agree with National Wellness Institute’s definition of â€Å"wellness†. National Wellness Institute defines Wellness as â€Å"an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence†. This means that when person is healthy, he/she is able to clearly see all possible choices in their life, and that he/she is able to logically make the right choices in order to succeed. For example, a person who is under a lot of stress, which may be caused by debts, or may be by family issues, is not really healthy. As the problems continue to build up, a person becomes ill, mentally ill, and in some severe cases will think that committing suicide is the only way out. This is a good example of ill person, since he/she does not see any other possible ways out of their problem, and he/she does not want to logically look for another plan. In order for this person to become healthy again, he/she will need to talk a doctor who can help him/her by referring to the right people. Talking to a doctor would be the first right choice to become healthy....
Monday, November 4, 2019
Destructiveness of garment structure Dissertation
Destructiveness of garment structure - Dissertation Example Deconstruction -----------------------12 2.2 Identification of Conceptual and Functional Fashion----14 2.3 The Idea of Experimental Design in Fashion-------------15 2.4 Architectural Deconstruction in the Structure of Fashion Apparel---------17 Chapter 3: Case Studies-------------------------------------------------------------24 3.1 The Impact of Japanese Designers-------------------------24 3.1.1 Rei Kawakubo, Founder of Commes des Garcons----------27 3.1.2 Yohji Yamamoto--------------------------------29 3.2 The Influence of Experimental Designers-----------------31 3.2.1 Martin Margiela----------------------------------32 3.2.2 Hussein Chalayan---------------------------------35 Chapter 4: Fashion Collection on Deconstruction of Garment Design: Origami Art and Geometric Patternin-----------37 Chapter 5: Conclusion---------------------------------------------------------------42 REFERENCES----------------------------------------------------------------------43 REFERENCES FOR IL LUSTRATIONS------------------------------------------46 List of Figures Fig. 1a. Sydney Opera House: Section Drawing------------------------------------------19 Fig.1b. Sydney Opera House: Photo-------------------------------------------------------19 Figs. 2a., 2b., 2c.Ozezen’s Dress Designs Inspired by Sydney Opera House--------20 Fig. 3. A-POC Clothing Line by Issey Miyake, 2004-----------------------------------22 Fig.4. Testa’s Carbon Tower---------------------------------------------------------------23 Figs. 5a, 5b. Rei Kawakubo: The Lumps and Bumps Collection----------------------28 Figs. 6a, 6b. Yohji Yamamoto: Spring 2012, Ready to Wear---------------------------30 Figs. 7a, 7b. Maison Martin Margiela: Spring 2012 Ready to Wear-------------------34 Figs. 8a, 8b. Chalayan: Fall...Gill (1998) argues that clothes are not liberated from funtionality because of deconstruction as an external causal force. On the other hand, the elimination of functionality from clo thing is achieved through a complex interaction between bodies, clothing and their different settings of use (Gill, 1998). Salingaros and Alexander (2004) state that deconstruction is a new concept that denotes the breaking up of coherent forms; it takes apart traditional literature, art and architecture. In buidling construction, the concept has become increasingly influential among architects, scholars, educators, decision makers, policy makers, and developers of prestigious construction projects. Deconstruction in architecture is more than mere visual fashion, and contributes extensively to form, function and aesthetics (Salingaros & Alexander, 2004). It is characterized by broken lines and lopsided asymmetrical shapes portraying the destruction of conventional principles. Other possible elements of architectural deconstruction include a building construction of unsuitable scale for human use, either two small or excessively big, disconnected and unrelated components and surfaces, along with highly polished metal work and sparkling glass, state Saligaros & Alexander (2004).
Saturday, November 2, 2019
ICT Use at Hollow Meadows Health & Spa Resort Essay
ICT Use at Hollow Meadows Health & Spa Resort - Essay Example The paper tells that the hospitality business of Hollow Meadows Health & Spa Resort is conceptualized on the idea of offering services in the following areas: weight loss programme, exercise, nutrition, well being, nutrition and healthy cooking classes, Spa, romantic weekend getaways for couples, outdoor activities as well as bar/pub and restaurant. The main idea behind the business concept is to maximise revenue and occupancy through targeting several markets given that there are few organisations offering unique fitness training holidays to reduce weight and to start a new life with a healthy regime and lifestyle. The concept of business is further supported by the idea that the surrounding areas and the premises would give a great ground base towards the creation of the vision of the business which is not only limited to exercising and weight loosing, but also cooking lessons, nutrition advice and a long term solution for the clients. The business concept also encompasses secondar y offer in cosy boutique rooms which will mainly concentrate on couples wanting to spend a romantic weekend in beautiful surroundings through outdoor activities and spa treatments. However, in order to achieve quality outcomes of the business concept in the hospitality services, it is imperative to harness the appropriate use of information and communication technology. During the contemporary period, it can be noted that the phenomenal growth of the new information and communication technology particularly the internet has revolutionized the ways people conduct business. (Haag, Cummings & Dawkins, 2000). Information pertaining to carrying out business can be exchanged electronically between parties involved and there are many benefits of using this business strategy for the stakeholders involved. Essentially, each business is primarily concerned with serving its customers in a profitable way and this feat can be achieved if that business is in possession of the right information ab out the targeted audiences at the right time which can only be attainable through the appropriate use of information and communication technology as going to be explained below. In this particular case, there is a trend showing cross functional business systems within the same enterprise which require the use of an integrated communication system such as the internet in order to fully support the management of the concept. Business of this particular nature is comprised of interrelated departments which through combined efforts by the stakeholders involved are aimed at achieving the same goal (Robbins, 1997). However, it is quite challenging to achieve a cross functional team approach in the organisation of this nature without harnessing IT which is supportive of horizontal flow of information. This entails that there is need for coordination between different systems within that particular organisation in order to achieve the set goals. Thus, management of the business concept can be supported by the appropriate use of technology and information systems which are the means by which people and organisations, utilising technologies, gather, process, store, use and disseminate information (Haag, Cummings & Dawkins, 2000). The internet in this particular case is more ideal given that it has several advantages to the targeted audiences as well as organisation as a whole. The rationale behind this strategy
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Analytical Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1
Analytical Report - Essay Example All in all, there are 67 million players each month (Tassi para 1). Given its continuously growing customer base, the company should take into consideration a more direct method of communicating with its customers, in addition to its existing online community forum and e-mail support. There are two options for the company, namely: online live chat or phone call. To prevent customers from going to other online gaming sites, there are two methods for Riot to choose that will make the customer service better. The first one is to set up an online live chat for customers that need help from Riot support. The second option is providing customers a number that they could call whenever they have complaints, problems, or issues that require immediate attention. The company must choose an option that is both inexpensive and efficient. The purpose of this report is to comprehensively analyze these two options and then decide which option is better for Riot Games. The first section discusses the need for customer service expansion; the second part analyzes the weaknesses and strengths of Riot Games; the third section enumerates the pros and cons of live chat and phone call support; and the last part determines the better option. Every game company needs customer service personnel to assist players with issues, yet online games require a bigger customer service staff. In offline games, players usually require support or assistance with technical problems; for issues regarding gameplay, players can look for hints online or purchase strategy manuals (Preston 5). However, in a live, online setting, these customers want to obtain assistance directly and instantaneously, and they require assistance for a much wider array of problems than they do in an offline setting (Knapp 16). Riot Games would therefore add value to their customer service by adding another option, either live chat or phone call support. Online gaming companies are usually at the bottom in
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Fashion Industry Essay Example for Free
Fashion Industry Essay Early Western travelers, whether to Persia, Turkey, India, or China, would frequently remark on the absence of change in fashion there. The Japanese Shoguns secretary bragged (not completely accurately) to a Spanish visitor in 1609 that Japanese clothing had not changed in over a thousand years.[4] However, there is considerable evidence in Ming China of rapidly changing fashions in Chinese clothing.[5] Changes in costume often took place at times of economic or social change, as occurred in ancient Rome and the medieval Caliphate, followed by a long period without major changes. In 8th-century Moorish Spain the musician Ziryab introduced to Cà ³rdoba[6][unreliable source?][7] sophisticated clothing-styles based on seasonal and daily fashions from his native Baghdad, modified by his own inspiration. Similar changes in fashion occurred in the 11th century in the Middle East following the arrival of the Turks, who introduced clothing styles from Central Asia and the Far East.[8] The beginning in Europe of continual and increasingly rapid change in clothing styles can be fairly reliably dated. Historians, including James Laver and Fernand Braudel, date the start of Western fashion in clothing to the middle of the 14th century.[9][10] The most dramatic early change in fashion was a sudden drastic shortening and tightening of the male over-garment from calf-length to barely covering the buttocks,[11] sometimes accompanied with stuffing in the chest to make it look bigger. This created the distinctive Western outline of a tailored top worn over leggings or trousers. The pace of change accelerated considerably in the following century, and women and mens fashion, especially in the dressing and adorning of the hair, became equally complex. Art historians are therefore able to use fashion with confidence and precision to date images, often to within five years, particularly in the case of images from the 15th century. Initially, changes in fashion led to a fragmentation across the upper classes of Europe of what had previously been a very similar style of dressing and the subsequent development of distinctive national styles. These national styles remained very different until a counter-movement in the 17th to 18th centuries imposed similar styles once again, mostly originating from Ancien Rà ©gime France.[12] Though the rich usually led fashion, the increasing affluence of early modern Europe led to the bourgeoisie and even peasants following trends at a distance, but still uncomfortably close for the elites – a factor that Fernand Braudel regards as one of the main motors of changing fashion.[13] Albrecht Dà ¼rers drawing contrasts a well turned out bourgeoise from Nuremberg (left) with her counterpart from Venice. The Venetian ladys high chopines make her look taller. In the 16th century national differences were at their most pronounced. Ten 16th century portraits of German or Italian gentlemen may show ten entirely different hats. Albrecht Dà ¼rer illustrated the differences in his actual (or composite) contrast of Nuremberg and Venetian fashions at the close of the 15th century (illustration, right). The Spanish style of the late 16th century began the move back to synchronicity among upper-class Europeans, and after a struggle in the mid-17th century, French styles decisively took over leadership, a process completed in the 18th century.[14] Though textile colors and patterns changed from year to year,[15] the cut of a gentlemans coat and the length of his waistcoat, or the pattern to which a ladys dress was cut, changed more slowly. Mens fashions were largely derived from military models, and changes in a European male Silhouette were galvanized in theaters of European war where gentleman officers had opportunities to make notes of foreign styles such as the Steinkirk cravat or necktie. Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI, was a leader of fashion. Her choices, such as this 1783 white muslin dress called a chemise a la Reine, were highly influential and widely worn.[16] Though there had been distribution of dressed dolls from France since the 16th century and Abraham Bosse had produced engravings of fashion in the 1620s, the pace of change picked up in the 1780s with increased publication of French engravings illustrating the latest Paris styles. By 1800, all Western Europeans were dressing alike (or thought they were); local variation became first a sign of provincial culture and later a badge of the conservative peasant.[17] Although tailors and dressmakers were no doubt responsible for many innovations, and the textile industry certainly led many trends, the history of fashion design is normally understood to date from 1858 when the English-born Charles Frederick Worth opened the first true haute couture house in Paris. The Haute house was the name established by government for the fashion houses that met the standards of industry. These fashion houses have to adhere to standards such as keeping at least twenty employees engaged in making the clothes, showing two collections per year at fashion shows, and presenting a certain number of patterns to costumers.[18] Since then, the idea of the fashion designer as a celebrity in his or her own right has become increasingly dominant.[19] The idea of unisex dressing originated in the 1960s when designers such as Pierre Cardin and Rudi Gernreich created garments, such as stretch jersey tunics or leggings, meant to be worn by both males and females. The impact of unisex expands more broadly to encompass various themes in fashion including androgyny, mass-market retail, and conceptual clothing.[20] The fashion trends of the 1970s, such as sheepskin jackets, flight jackets, duffel coats, and unstructured clothing influenced men to attend social gatherings with out a tuxedo jacket and to accessorize in new ways. Some mens styles blended the sensuality and expressiveness despite the conservative trend, the growing gay-rights movement and an emphasis on youth allowed for a new freedom to experiment with style, fabrics such as wool crepe, which had previously been associated with womens attire was used by designers when creating male clothing.[21] The four major current fashion capitals are acknowledged to be Paris, Milan, New York City, and London, which are all headquarters to the greatest fashion companies and are renowned for their major influence on global fashion. Fashion weeks are held in these cities, where designers exhibit their new clothing collections to audiences. A succession of major designers such as Coco Chanel and Yves Saint-Laurent have kept Paris as the center most watched by the rest of the world, although haute couture is now subsidized by the sale of ready-to-wear collections and perfume using the same branding. Modern Westerners have a wide number of choices available in the selection of their clothes. What a person chooses to wear can reflect his or her personality or interests. When people who have high cultural status start to wear new or different clothes, a fashion trend may start. People who like or respect these people become influenced by their personal style and begin wearing similarly styled clothes. Fashions may vary considerably within a society according to age, social class, generation, occupation, and geography and may also vary over time. If an older person dresses according to the fashion young people use, he or she may look ridiculous in the eyes of both young and older people. The terms fashionista and fashion victim refer to someone who slavishly follows current fashions. One can regard the system of sporting various fashions as a fashion language incorporating various fashion statements using a grammar of fashion. (Compare some of the work of Roland Barthes.) In recent years, Asian fashion has become increasingly significant in local and global markets. Countries such as China, Japan, India, and Pakistan have traditionally had large textile industries, which have often been drawn upon by Western designers, but now Asian clothing styles are also gaining influence based on their own ideas.[22] Fashion industry The fashion industry is a product of the modern `age.[23] Prior to the mid-19th century, most clothing was custom-made. It was handmade for individuals, either as home production or on order from dressmakers and tailors. By the beginning of the 20th centuryâ€â€with the rise of new technologies such as the sewing machine, the rise of global capitalism and the development of the factory system of production, and the proliferation of retail outlets such as department storesâ€â€clothing had increasingly come to be mass-produced in standard sizes and at fixed prices. Although the fashion industry developed first in Europe and America, as of 2015[update] it is an international and highly globalized industry, with clothing often designed in one country, manufactured in another, and sold world-wide. For example, an American fashion company might source fabric in China and have the clothes manufactured in Vietnam, finished in Italy, and shipped to a warehouse in the United States for distribution to retail outlets internationally. The fashion industry has long been one of the largest employers in the United States,[24] and it remains so in the 21st century. However, U.S. employment declined considerably as production increasingly moved overseas, especially to China. Because data on the fashion industry typically are reported for national economies and expressed in terms of the industrys many separate sectors, aggregate figures for world production of textiles and clothing are difficult to obtain. However, by any measure, the clothing industry accounts for a significant share of world economic output.[25] The fashion industry consists of four levels: 1. the production of raw materials, principally fibers and textiles but also leather and fur 2. the production of fashion goods by designers, manufacturers, contractors, and others 3. retail sales 4. various forms of advertising and promotion These levels consist of many separate but interdependent sectors. These sectors are Textile Design and Production, Fashion Design and Manufacturing, Fashion Retailing, Marketing and Merchandising, Fashion Shows, and Media and Marketing. Each sector is devoted to the goal of satisfying consumer demand for apparel under conditions that enable participants in the industry to operate at a profit.[26] Media The media plays a significant role when it comes to fashion. For instance, an important part of fashion is fashion journalism. Editorial critique, guidelines, and commentary can be found on television and in magazines, newspapers, fashion websites,[27] Social network, and fashion blogs. In recent years, fashion blogging and YouTube videos have become a major outlet for spreading trends and fashion tips. Through these media outlets readers and viewers all over the world can learn about fashion, making it very accessible.[28] At the beginning of the 20th century, fashion magazines began to include photographs of various fashion designs and became even more influential than in the past. In cities throughout the world these magazines were greatly sought after and had a profound effect on public taste in clothing. Talented illustrators drew exquisite fashion plates for the publications which covered the most recent developments in fashion and beauty. Perhaps the most famous of these magazines was La Gazette du Bon Ton, which was founded in 1912 by Lucien Vogel and regularly published until 1925 (with the exception of the war years).[citation needed] Vogue, founded in the United States in 1892, has been the longest-lasting and most successful of the hundreds of fashion magazines that have come and gone. Increasing affluence after World War II and, most importantly, the advent of cheap color printing in the 1960s, led to a huge boost in its sales and heavy coverage of fashion in mainstream womens magazines, followed by mens magazines in the 1990s. One such example of Vogues popularity is the younger version, Teen Vogue, which covers clothing and trends that are targeted more toward the fashionista on a budget. Haute couture designers followed the trend by starting ready-to-wear and perfume lines which are heavily advertised in the magazines and now dwarf their original couture businesses. A recent development within fashion print media is the rise of text-based and critical magazines which aim to prove that fashion is not superficial, by creating a dialogue between fashion academia and the industry. Examples of this trend are: Fashion Theory (1997) and Vestoj (2009). Television coverage began in the 1950s with small fashion features. In the 1960s and 1970s, fashion segments on various entertainment shows became more frequent, and by the 1980s, dedicated fashion shows such as Fashion Television started to appear. FashionTV was the pioneer in this undertaking and has since grown to become the leader in both Fashion Television and new media channels. Despite television and increasing internet coverage, including fashion blogs, press coverage remains the most important form of publicity in the eyes of the fashion industry.[citation needed] However, over the past several years, fashion websites have developed that merge traditional editorial writing with user-generated content. Online magazines like iFashion Network and Runway Magazine, led by Nole Marin from Americas Next Top Model, have begun to dominate the market with digital copies for computers, iPhones, and iPads. Example platforms include Apple and Android for such applications. A few days after the 2010 Fall Fashion Week in New York City came to a close, The New Islanders Fashion Editor, Genevieve Tax, criticized the fashion industry for running on a seasonal schedule of its own, largely at the expense of real-world consumers. Because designers release their fall collections in the spring and their spring collections in the fall, fashion magazines such as Vogue always and only look forward to the upcoming season, promoting parkas come September while issuing reviews on shorts in January, she writes. Savvy shoppers, consequently, have been conditioned to be extremely, perhaps impractically, farsighted with their buying.[29] The fashion industry has been the subject of numerous films and television shows, including the reality show Project Runway and the drama series Ugly Betty. Specific fashion brands have been featured in film, not only as product placement opportunities, but as bespoke items that have subsequently led to trends in fashion.[30] Public relations and social media Fashion public relations involves being in touch with a company’s audiences and creating strong relationships with them, reaching out to media and initiating messages that project positive images of the company.[31] Social media plays an important role in modern day fashion public relations; enabling practitioners to reach a wide range of consumers through various platforms. Building brand awareness and credibility is a key implication of good public relations. In some cases, great hype is built about new designers collections before they are released into the market, due to the immense exposure generated by practitioners.[32] Social media, such as blogs, micro blogs, podcasts, photo and video sharing sites have all become increasingly important to fashion public relations.[33] The interactive nature of these platforms allows practitioners to engage and communicate with publics in real time, and tailor their clients’ brand or campaign messages to the target audience. With blogging platforms such as Instagram, Tumblr, WordPress and other sharing sites, bloggers have emerged as expert fashion commentators, shaping brands and having a great impact on what is ‘on trend’.[34] Women in the fashion public relations industry such as Sweaty Betty PR founder Roxy Jacenko and Oscar de la Renta’s PR girl Erika Bearman, have acquired copious amounts of followers on their social media sites, by providing a brand identity and a behind the scenes look into the companies they work for. Social media is changing the way practitioners deliver messages,[11] as they are concerned with the media, and also customer relationship building.[35] PR practitioners must provide effective communication among all platforms, in order to engage fashion publics in an industry socially connected via online shopping.[36] Consumers have the ability to share their purchases on their personal social media pages (such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), and if practitioners deliver the brand message effectively and meet the needs of its publics, word-of-mouth publicity will be generated and potentially provide a wide reach for the designer and their products. Anthropological perspective Anthropology, the study of culture and human societies, studies fashion by asking why certain styles are deemed socially appropriate and others are not. A certain way is chosen and that becomes the fashion as defined by a certain people as a whole, so if a particular style has a meaning in an already occurring set of beliefs that style will become fashion.[37] According to Ted Polhemus and Lynn Procter, fashion can be described as adornment, of which there are two types: fashion and anti-fashion. Through the capitalization and commoditisation of clothing, accessories, and shoes, etc., what once constituted anti-fashion becomes part of fashion as the lines between fashion and anti-fashion are blurred.[38] The definition of fashion and anti-fashion is as follows: Anti-fashion is fixed and changes little over time. Anti-fashion is different depending on the cultural or social group one is associated with or where one lives, but within that group or locality the style changes little. Fas hion is the exact opposite of anti-fashion. Fashion changes very quickly and is not affiliated with one group or area of the world but is spread out throughout the world wherever people can communicate easily with each other. For example, Queen Elizabeth II’s 1953 coronation gown is an example of anti-fashion because it is traditional and does not change over any period whereas a gown from fashion designer Dior’s collection of 1953 is fashion because the style will change every season as Dior comes up with a new gown to replace the old one. In the Dior gown the length, cut, fabric, and embroidery of the gown change from season to season. Anti-fashion is concerned with maintaining the status quo while fashion is concerned with social mobility. Time is expressed in terms of continuity in anti-fashion and as change in fashion. Fashion has changing modes of adornment while anti-fashion has fixed modes of adornment. Indigenous and peasant modes of adornment are an example of anti-fashion. Change in fashion is part of the larger system and is structured to be a deliberate change in style.[39] Today, people in rich countries are linked to people in poor countries through the commoditization and con sumption of what is called fashion. People work long hours in one area of the globe to produce things that people in another part of the globe are anxious to consume. An example of this is the chain of production and consumption of Nike shoes, which are produced in Taiwan and then purchased in North America. At the production end there is nation-building a hard working ideology that leads people to produce and entices people to consume with a vast amount of goods for the offering. Commodities are no longer just utilitarian but are fashionable, be they running shoes or sweat suits.[40] The change from anti-fashion to fashion because of the influence of western consumer-driven civilization can be seen in eastern Indonesia. The ikat textiles of the Ngada area of eastern Indonesia are changing because of modernization and development. Traditionally, in the Ngada area there was no idea similar to that of the Western idea of fashion, but anti-fashion in the form of traditional textiles and ways to adorn oneself were widely popular. Textiles in Indonesia have played many roles for the local people. Textiles defined a person’s rank and status; certain textiles indicated being part of the ruling class. People expressed their ethnic identity and social hierarchy through textiles. Because some Indonesians bartered ikat textiles for food, the textiles constituted economic goods, and as some textile design motifs had spiritual religious meanings, textiles were also a way to communicate religious messages.[41] In eastern Indonesia, both the production and use of traditional textiles have been transformed as the production, use and value associated with textiles have changed due to modernization. In the past, women produced the textiles either for home consumption or to trade with others. Today this has changed as most textiles are not being produced at home. Western goods are considered modern and are valued more than traditional goods, including the sarong, which retain a lingering association with colonialism. Now, sarongs are used only for rituals and ceremonial occasions, whereas western clothes are worn to church or government offices. Civil servants working in urban areas are more likely than peasants to make the distinction between western and traditional clothes. Following Indonesia’s independence from the Dutch, people increasingly started buying factory made shirts and sarongs. In textile-producing areas the growing of cotton and production of naturally colored thread became obsolete. Traditional motifs on textiles are no longer considered the property of a certain social class or age group. Wives of government officials are promoting the use of traditional textiles in the form of western garments such as skirts, vests and blouses. This trend is also being followed by the general populace, and whoever can afford to hire a tailor is doing so to stitch traditional ikat textiles into western clothes. Thus, traditional textiles are now fashion goods and are no longer confined to the black, white and brown colour palette but come in array of colours. Traditional textiles are also being used in interior decorations and to make handbags, wallets and other accessories, which are considered fashionable by civil servants and their families. There is also a booming tourist trade in the eastern Indonesian city of Kupang where international as well as domestic tourists are eager to purchase traditionally printed western goods.[42] The use of traditional textiles for fashion is becoming big business in eastern Indonesia, but these traditional textiles are losing their ethnic identity markers and are being used as an item of fashion.[43] Intellectual property Student modeling at the Fashion marketing event at the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Mexico City. Within the fashion industry, intellectual property is not enforced as it is within the film industry and music industry. Robert Glariston, an intellectual property expert mentioned in a fashion seminar held in LA[which?] that Copyright law regarding clothing is a current hot-button issue in the industry. We often have to draw the line between designers being inspired by a design and those outright stealing it in different places.[citation needed] To take inspiration from others designs contributes to the fashion industrys ability to establish clothing trends. For the past few years, WGSN has been a dominant source of fashion news and forecasts in encouraging fashion brands worldwide to be inspired by one another. Enticing consumers to buy clothing by establishing new trends is, some have argued, a key component of the industrys success. Intellectual property rules that interfere with this process of trend-making would, in this view, be counter-productive. On the other hand, it is often argued that the blatant theft of new ideas, unique designs, and design details by larger companies is what often contributes to the failure of many smaller or independent design companies. Since fakes are distinguishable by their poorer quality, there is still a demand for luxury goods, and as only a trademark or logo can be copyrighted, many fashion brands make this one of the most visible aspects of the garment or accessory. In handbags, especially, the designers brand may be woven into the fabric (or the lining fabric) from which the bag is made, making the brand an intrinsic element of the bag. In 2005, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) held a conference calling for stricter intellectual property enforcement within the fashion industry to better protect small and medium businesses and promote competitiveness within the textile and clothing industries.[44][45] Political activism Fashion may be used to promote a cause, such as to promote healthy behavior,[46] to raise money for a cancer cure,[47] or to raise money for local charities[48] such as the Juvenile Protective Association[49] or a childrens hospice.[50] One up-and-coming fashion cause is trashion, which is using trash to make clothes, jewelery and other fashion items in order to promote awareness of pollution. There are a number of modern trashion artists such as Marina DeBris, Ann Wizer,[51] and Nancy Judd.[52]
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