Monday, September 30, 2019
Metaphysical Poetry Essay
The metaphysical poets is a term coined by the poet and critic John Dryden to describe a loose group of British lyric poets of the 17th century, whose work was characterized by the inventive use of conceits, and by speculation about topics such as love or religion. These poets were not formally affiliated; most of them did not even know or read each other. Their style was characterized by wit and metaphysical conceitsâ€â€far-fetched or unusual similes or metaphors, such as in Andrew Marvell’s comparison of the soul with a drop of dew; in an expanded epigram format, with the use of simple verse forms, octosyllabic couplets, quatrains or stanzas in which length of line and rhyme scheme enforce the sense. The specific definition of wit which Johnson applied to the school was: â€Å"†¦ a kind of discordia concors; a combination of dissimilar images, or discovery of occult resemblances in things apparently unlike. †Their poetry diverged from the style of their times, containing neither images of nature nor allusions to classical mythology, as were common. Several metaphysical poets, especially John Donne, were influenced by Neo-Platonism. One of the primary Platonic concepts found in metaphysical poetry is the idea that the perfection of beauty in the beloved acted as a remembrance of perfect beauty in the eternal realm. Though secular topics such as scientific or geographical discoveries interested them, there was also a religious or casuistic element to some of their work, by which they attempted to define their relationship with God. John Donne (between 24 January and 19 June 1572 – 31 March 1631) was an English poet, satirist, lawyer and a cleric in the Church of England. He is considered the pre-eminent representative of the metaphysical poets. His works are noted for their strong, sensual style and include sonnets, love poetry, religious poems, Latin translations, epigrams, elegies, songs, satires and sermons. His poetry is noted for its vibrancy of language and inventiveness of metaphor, especially compared to that of his contemporaries. Donne’s style is characterised by abrupt openings and various paradoxes, ironies and dislocations. These features, along with his frequent dramatic or everyday speech rhythms, his tense syntax and his tough eloquence, were both a reaction against the smoothness of conventional Elizabethan poetry and an adaptation into English of European baroque and mannerist techniques. His early career was marked by poetry that bore immense knowledge of British society and he met that knowledge with sharp criticism. Another important theme in Donne’s poetry is the idea of true religion, something that he spent much time considering and theorising about. He wrote secular poems as well as erotic and love poems. He is particularly famous for his mastery of metaphysical conceits. A Burnt ShipOut of a fired ship, which by no wayBut drowning could be rescued from the flame,Some men leap’d forth, and ever as they cameNear the foes’ ships, did by their shot decay;So all were lost, which in the ship were found,They in the sea being burnt, they in the burnt ship drown’d. John Donne A Lame BeggarI am unable, yonder beggar cries,To stand, or move; if he say true, he lies. John Donne.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Pest Russia
Political – The political risks are the same in any emerging market and all have to be considered by the possible new organisation. ? Russia has a reputation for organised crime and corruption which has long been an issue for any investors. ? There are very strict laws in Russia to do with mode of entry and so the country usually prefers to trade with its former Soviet allies. Potential tourists could be eliminated from entering Russia due to the strict rules on visas for all tourists entering the country. ? There are a number of policies, laws, marketing and advertising, and health and safety requirements which all international organisations must adhere to – if they do not they will be punished and may not be able to expand within Russia. Economical – Economic growth, population size and income are some of the factors which affect the choice location of firms. This transitional economy is known for high rate of inflation, foreign trade deficits, high rates of u nemployment and high costs of capital. ? Although the low labour costs are often what attracts organisations to this emerging market there are a number of hurdles which they must get over before they even get to that stage. ? The global economic crisis has caused the price of oil and gas to ‘dwindle’ which has caused huge fluctuations in the Rouble. ‘The EIUU forecasts 2. 5% GDP growth for 2010 and 4. 1% for 2011, which represents a stronger and quicker rebound than in Western Europe’ (Geieregger, Chawala and Veller 2009) ? ‘Russia has undergone significant changes since the collapse of the Soviet Union, moving from a globally-isolates, centrally-planned economy to a more market-based and globally-integrated economy’ (Central Intelligence Agency 2010). Social Russia has the largest land mass in the world spanning over 17,000,000 square kilometres. ? Russia has a low populations growth at -0. 465% Technological ? Certain parts of Russia are impr oving on their infrastructure. For example Sochi are developing the local rail network as well as redeveloping one of their airport terminals in order to be able to hand the pressure from visitors at the 2014 Olympic Games
Friday, September 27, 2019
Managerial Work Over the Last Four Decades Essay - 1
Managerial Work Over the Last Four Decades - Essay Example It is only the method of study that differs. The aim of this paper is to highlight and discuss the most important findings from research work and explain why they are important. In doing so, the work of five authors will be evaluated to get an insight into managerial work research over the decades. Fells Michael in his work Fayol stands the test of time gives an in-depth look at the work of four researchers: Henri Fayol (1949), Henry Mintzberg (1973), Kotter (1982) and Hales (1986). He observes that the researchers have different views as to what constitutes the roles of a manager and goes further to explain how the roles enumerated by the researchers are interrelated. One important finding by the author is that though Fayol’s work has been overtaken by other researchers over time, his work still remains relevant today (2000, p 347). Fayol’s research (1949) was based on industrial undertakings and was an interpretation of an earlier work done in 1916 Administration Industrielle et Generale by Constance Storrs. Fayol came up with five elements of management and fourteen principles of management. These principles are supposed to act as guide to execution of the five elements. The five elements include: planning, organising, co-ordinating, commanding and controlling (Fells 200, p. 347-360). These are essentially the roles that managers perform in their day-to-day operations. The fourteen principles enumerated by Fayol include : division of work, authority and responsibility, discipline, unity of command, unity of direction, remuneration, centralisation, span of control, order, equity, stability of tenure of personnel, subordination of individual interests to general interest, initiative and esprit de corps (200 p. 346). These principles according to Fayol guide the manager in conducting his five roles thus are very crucial.
Assignment paper week 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Assignment paper week 1 - Essay Example SJM is a model company in its diversification efforts, but practice will have to catch up with policy in the time that is needed for people’s attitudes and behaviors to gradually adapt to change. St. Jude Medical (SJM) is an American company that develops medical technology products and services, with the objective of advancing the practice of medicine by reducing risk and increasing the chances of success for the patient. Headquartered in St. Paul, Minn., the company has 20 international offices and markets its products in more than 100 countries (SJM, 2012). The position of SJM on diversity and inclusion is embodied in its Equal Employment Opportunity Policy, which encompasses all its employees and applicants for employment as far as concerns, the hiring, placement, promotion, demotion, terminations, transfer, recruiting, advertising, treatment during employment, selection for training, and compensation (SJM, 2012). The company presently employs more than 16,000 people in both its U.S. and overseas operations, and as a multinational corporation, it is committed to a program of diversity in its workforce. Organizational diversity and inclusion is crucial to advancing SJM’s collective knowledge base, as well as creates an environment wherein employees may grow and develop their full potentials (SJM 2011 Annual Report). Diversity in SJM is taken seriously because the company sees it not only as a matter of compliance with affirmative action mandates, but also as a source of creativity, innovation, and other possibilities. SJM is aware that diversity/inclusion efforts do not redound solely to the employee’s benefit, but also to the benefit of the individual. Thus the firm has set up a Diversity and Inclusion Steering Committee in its U.S. Sales Division, and it provides domestic partner benefits to employees in same-sex couple relationships. Furthermore, SJM professes inclusion as a
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Vaccinating cattle against E.coli could cut human cases of infections Article
Vaccinating cattle against E.coli could cut human cases of infections by 85 percent - Article Example When the excretion from the cattle contain high percentage of the bacteria, the infection becomes significant. Nevertheless, there are vaccines, which reduce super-shedding in cattle. The findings of the study were that the vaccination of the cattle is likely to reduce human cases by approximately 85 percent. This is a strong figure supporting the adoption of the vaccine by livestock industries. Various countries like Scotland have engaged in research to establish an economic program for similar vaccination programmes. The aim of these countries is to develop more effective vaccines, which will reduce the impact of the bacterium on human life. Treating the cattle to cut down the number of human infection is justifiable, but there is need to put more effort in implementing the program and meeting the costs of the program. Public health has to be taken seriously to achieve this perspective. The hypothesis of the article was supported because nations across the world are responding positively to the implementation of the program. For instance, Scotland tackles an average of 235 culture positive cases of infections resulting from E.coli. This application continues to be extended to various nations for adoption. For example, the vaccine has been taken up in US. A version in US is not fully licensed yet the authority insists that veterinary medicines must indicate the improvement of human health. Louis, Matthews, Reeve, George, Gally, David L. Low, C. Woolhouse, Mark, McAteer, S. P. Locking, M. E. Chase-Topping, Margo, Haydon, Daniel, Allison, L. J. Hanson, G. Gunn, Joshua, and Reid, S. â€Å"Predicting the public health benefit of vaccinating cattle against Escherichia coli O157†. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013; DOI:
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Research Paper for Financial market Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
For Financial market - Research Paper Example The opinions of these individuals range from over-leveraging of the financial products and excessive risk-taking by banks to unjustifiable executives bonuses and salaries and the lack of sufficient regulation of the money and capital markets. It is important to provide an overview of the causes of the economic hardships that prevailed following the Great Recession which began in 2007. This paper is focused on analyzing the causes of the 2008 financial crises with a view of avoiding decisions that associated with negative economic impacts, such as the collapse of the largest financial institution prior to 2008 (Lehman Brothers); the collapse of the Lehman Brothers on September 2008 resulted in the loss of significant investments, jobs and substantial effects on the general performance of the economy (Quirk 31). The subprime mortgages are classified as risky mortgages due to the high probability of defaulting on the loan payment by mortgage borrowers; on the other hand, the prime mortgage is considered less risky mortgage since the borrowers are unlikely to default on the loan payment. The subprime mortgages are considered by a majority of lenders as profitable given the fact that they are associated with high levels of high-interest rates; however, the borrower is likely to fail to meet the periodical payments and the total sum of the loan. The period prior to the financial crisis of 2008, there was an increased competition among the mortgage lenders that saw a number of these players relaxed the underwriting standards to experience increased profits and significant market share (Weber 159). In this respect, there was a tendency by a majority of the mortgage lenders to lend subprime mortgages (risky mortgages) among borrowers with low level of creditworthiness. The lending of the risky mor tgages was notable among mortgage lenders between 2004 and 2007; this
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Fall of Reza Pahlavi and the Rise of Ayatollah Khomeini Essay
The Fall of Reza Pahlavi and the Rise of Ayatollah Khomeini - Essay Example Iran has been manipulated by the forces of the west but the people there despise the west and have an ideology which supports the radical Islam. Khomeini won the hearts of people by being a man who said what they wanted to hear. He did not like the west and wanted strict Islamic rules to be applied. His people believed in him and he led them through the Islamic revolution and left the torch in their hand later to carry it forward. Â The Islamic Republic of Iran was known as Persia before 1935.1 Iran has seen political turbulence in its history. It has seen many empires and dynasties and many rulers have ruled it. Even in the 1900's Iran has seen many revolutions. It has seen the constitutional revolution in 1906, the Pahlavi Dynasty in 1925 and the Iranian Islamic Revolution in 1978. Iran was declared the Islamic Republic on 1st April 1989.2 Today Iran is growing in all aspects and has proved itself as a very strong and determined country. Â Reza Shah laid the foundation of modern Iran by overthrowing the Qajar Dynasty. Ahmed Shah the last Qajar King left Iran for Europe and as his absence was for an indefinite period of time the parliament overthrew him and made Ahmed Shah the Shahanshah of Iran. At this time Iran was a very poor country. Reza Shah had western views and he tried his best to develop Iran according to these views. He built roads, organized all systems of his country and built a very good trans-Iranian Railway.3 He made great changes to the country but he was seen as the people as a Westernized man. In World War II, Iran was a neutral state, But Russia wanted to use its mature railways to help it in war. Reza Shah failed to go forward with this plan, the Russian and British army attacked Iran and Reza Shah left the throne in favor of his son Muhammad Reza Shah and spent rest of his life in exile in South Africa. As Muhammad Reza Shah succeeded the throne, he faced many problems with pro-Soviet and pro- British parties. In 1946 after the war over the Soviets overstayed in Iran and this created more confusion. Iran had a lot of oil and it was not giving concessions to the Soviet but was giving it to the British.4 The National Front Party wanted a neutral stance on this issue and wanted to take away concession from the British. In 1953 clash between the Shah and Prime Minister Mossadeq became very evident. The pro-Soviet party was very strong and forced the Shah to leave the country.
Monday, September 23, 2019
TORT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
TORT - Essay Example Nevertheless, in Home Office v Dorset Yacht Co ([1970] AC 1004 (HL) it was suggested that Lord Atkin’s rationale remained applicable unless the specific circumstances merited exclusion of the dictum. As a result, commentators argued that the pendulum had swung too far in favour of claimants, which was reinforced by the decision pertaining to proximity in terms of who the duty of care was owed to in Anns v Merton LBC ([1972 2 All ER 492). The decision in of Anns v Merton London Borough ([1978] A.C. 728) asserted that the proximity test relies on a consideration of the nature of the relationship between the parties and Lord Wilberforce asserted that: â€Å"in order to establish that a duty of care arises in a particular situation... the question has to be approached in two stages. First one has to ask whether, as between the alleged wrongdoer and the person who has suffered damage there is a sufficient relationship of proximity ... such that in the reasonable contemplation of t he former, carelessness on his part may be likely to cause damage to the latter- in which case a prima facie duty of care arises†. However, subsequent decisions have struggled with this and in practice the courts have sought to water down the ramifications of Lord Wilberforce’s dictum in Anns v Merton as highlighted by the decisions in Peabody Donation Fund v Sir Lindsay Parkinson ([1984] 3 All ER 529) and Yuen Kun-yeu v AG of Hong Kong ([1987] 2 All ER 705). Moreover, in Rowling v Takaro Properties ([1988] 1 All ER 163) Lord Keith highlighted the point that a literal application of the judicial rationale in Anns v Merton could risk courts not taking into account all relevant factual considerations when evaluating whether or not to impose a duty of care. This line of thinking was reinforced by Lord Templeman’s dictum in CBS Sons v Amstrad ([1988] 2 All ER 484) which suggested that the decision in Anns undermined the purpose of negligence liability and risked open ing the floodgates of claims. In highlighting the implications of Lord Wilberforce’s test in Anns, Lord Templeman commented that Anns: â€Å"put the floodgates on the jar, a fashionable plaintiff alleges negligence.†Whilst the post Anns decisions clearly tried to avoid the literal implications of the Wilberforce test, the duty of care test was clarified by the decision in the case of Caparo Industries v Dickman ([1990] 1 All ER 568). In Caparo v Dickman ([1990]1 ALL ER 568), the House of Lords confirmed the following three stage test to determine whether a duty of care exists: 1) Whether the consequence of the defendant’s actions were reasonably foreseeable; 2) Whether there was sufficient proximity to impose a duty of care; and 3) Whether it is fair, just and reasonable to impose a duty of care. Moreover, Lord Bridge focused on the interrelationship between foreseeability and proximity elements for the existence of duty of care. To this end, Lord Bridge commen ted that â€Å"necessary ingredients in any situation giving rise to a duty of care are that there should exist between the party owing the duty and the party to whom it is owed a relationship characterised by the law
Sunday, September 22, 2019
How Will Bitcoin and Linden Dollars Affect the Economy Essay Example for Free
How Will Bitcoin and Linden Dollars Affect the Economy Essay The common issues with ‘Bitcoin’ and ‘Linden Dollars’ are that there have been suspicions these virtual currency schemes are operating as Ponzi schemes, there is a high level of anonymity with regards to these virtual currency schemes and that there is only one regulator who oversees the system. The issue of Ponzi schemes are justified for virtual currency schemes such as ‘Bitcoin’ and ‘Linden Dollars’ but for different reasons. For ‘Bitcoin’ it greatly resembles a Ponzi scheme where people can convert real currency into Bitcoins but when they want to convert Bitcoins to currency they would need to find another person who wants to buy their Bitcoins. For ‘Linden Dollars’, Second Life Banks started offering very high interest rates on deposits which led to many users in Second Life converting real currency into Linden Dollars to receive these returns. The high level of anonymity is also another issue that virtual currency schemes face as there are many risks that users of these schemes may encounter. Due to real economic transactions in Second Life, there are many people and business that have created accounts on Second Life to obtain real profits. Creating accounts on Second Life require little information and from the creation of accounts, players in the game do not know who they are actually performing transactions with as they are performing transactions behind computer screens and would not be able to judge the credibility of the other player. Due to having only one regulator who oversees the system, these virtual currency systems are decentralised and display information irregularity in the system. For ‘Bitcoin’, due to the complexity of the system not all users completely understand how it works which leads to risks some users take without realising the consequences of those risks. Creation of Monetary Value The creation of monetary values using virtual currency such as ‘Bitcoin’ and ‘Linden Dollars’ can lead to risks and implication for users of virtual currency. The creation of these two different currencies will affect their economy in different ways due to the reason for the creation of monetary value and the amount of monetary value being created. For Bitcoins, the supply of Bitcoins is not dependant on any monetary policy but instead is based on users performing a specific activity. This scheme by Bitcoin was designed so that the money supply would develop at a specific pace and in order to receive more Bitcoins, harder algorithms would need solved. Monetary Policy Implications There are many monetary policy implications from the use of virtual currency schemes both inside and outside of the virtual world. The most impactful implications from the use of these virtual currency schemes would be outside of the virtual world if these currency schemes became widely accepted throughout the world. Monetary policy implications that may arise outside the virtual world would be the way that the Central Bank would introduce policies for price stability, financial stability and payment system stability. Virtual currency schemes could have a massive impact on price stability if they substantially modify the quantity of money, impact on the velocity of money and if there is an interaction between the virtual currencies and the real economy. These factors will create different implications for current monetary policies such as exchange rates and interest rates. If the supply of money in the real world were to decrease due to virtual currency being accepted as legal tender, it will result in a change in the exchange rate between real currency and virtual currency. Virtual currency schemes could also impact on the financial stability if there is a strong connection between the real economy, high volumes of virtual currency traded and if virtual currency is widely accepted. This will impact the financial stability if the virtual currency is unstable due to lack of maturity, confidence, low volumes traded, speculation and cyberattacks. Virtual currency schemes could impact on the payment system stability as they are not regulated or overseen by a public authority figure. This will expose users to credit, liquidity, operational and legal risks due to the currency being virtual currency which has the possibility of defaulting. Payments using real currency do not face the same situation as Central Bank money is used and the Central Bank has no default risk.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
A Study on the Problems Faced by Teachers in a Mixed Essay Example for Free
A Study on the Problems Faced by Teachers in a Mixed Essay A Study on the Problems faced by Teachers in a Mixed-ability Class. P. Karthi, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Gobi Arts Science College, Gobichettipalayam. Mixed ability as used in ELT usually refers to the differences that exist in a group in terms of different levels of language proficiency. This might be a result of simply the amount of time they have spent for learning, their different language learning abilities or learning style preferences. Almost all groups are mixed-ability. The world of English language teaching (ELT) presents a great number of ideas and concepts, expounding a vast assortment of styles, models and techniques, but often makes a general assumption on the make-up of actual classes in which such teaching methods are to be employed. In an ideal teaching environment, we might all wish for energetic, highly-motivated and able students coupled with a limitless supply of time and resources, but the reality that many of us have to face is far from the ideal situation. For a variety of restrictive reasons there is a need for teachers to make the best use of what is available and to do so in the most productive way that ones personal teaching methodology might allow. Teaching students with mixed ability can pose a unique set of challenges. Diversity in language, culture, confidence and ability can all come into play for teachers in the classroom Working with students, sending them down different paths in order to arrive at a similar goal can be one of the most challenging things for teachers of all backgrounds. However with patience, respect and hard work all the seemingly grand problems can be overcome to the benefit of all. As such, it is our intention to present a brief, basic summary of what we believe to be a sound starting methodology for approaching classes with students of mixed abilities. As a first step in managing the diversity of student ability in the classroom, there needs to be an analysis of the needs of the students. With this analysis the teacher will gain much ground in the effort to determine and support the needs of every student. This analysis will provide an opportunity for the students to reflect on their ability and style and prepare them for the fact that the class will not be managed in the traditional manner. While this action seems to add work for the instructor on the front end of things we think we can easily liken it to the old adage ‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure’. Upon determination of the individual student needs the teacher can strive to coordinate the students into functional learning groups based on their skills and learning pace. The construction of focus groups allows the instructor to proactively increase the effectiveness of the lesson plan and provide realistic and achievable assignments to the students. The groups can work together based on their skill level or at that time the instructor can intermingle the weaker with the advanced, which will also contribute to creating variety in the class. This method allows for all students to advance toward a mutual goal at an appropriate pace for their capacity and avoids putting them off with material that is outside of their aptitude. Provided the instructor has established focus groups based on ability or learning pace the next step is to consider the curriculum to be utilized. The instructor should prepare a collection of authentic information and materials that can be used with varying requirements for the class. These materials can be utilized in the classroom to provide different tasks for the unique skill levels so as to achieve conformity in the exercise, while utilizing realistic expectations of what can be accomplished based on individual groups. To this end the instructor can include several different versions of the same homework task in order to align with achievement levels and maximize the benefit to all the students. Ultimately in this very limited summary we feel that we need to consider the psychology of the students, the effects of this methodology on them and how to work to benefit each and every student. If caution is not taken to include all students fully the weaker students will potentially not achieve and consequently experience the natural reaction of avoiding the activities they are not successful in. Because of this reaction the achievement gap will only be widened rather than narrowed. To this end, instructors must make an effort to make the classes inclusive while differentiating in order to ensure student achievement across the board and not just with the better performing students. While there are so many different facets in managing a class of students with mixed abilities, by taking some basic measures teachers can manage the challenge effectively for the benefit of all. We can be certain hat we have only begun to scratch the surface of the issues faced by teachers of classes with mixed ability students, but we hope we have provided some basic building blocks for individual instructors to start with. As instructors we have the responsibility to show respect and provide reasonable attention to all students and we feel strongly that utilizing the previously stated methodology is a start down a path to achieve such ends. Differentiating Instruction for Advanced Learners in the Mixed-Ability Classroom.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Leading Strategic Change The Vw Turnaround Management Essay
Leading Strategic Change The Vw Turnaround Management Essay During the 1990s, the Volkswagen Group (VW) which was composed by the Audi, Seat and Skoda brands went through a rough patch. It faced a lot of problems such as high costs, a weak model line up, a decline of 85% in profits and costly differentiations between the groups brands. More specifically, in 1992, VW was in a bad place due to the profits fall, the negative return on sales, the huge sums for fixed costs and the messy accounting system. The following year, the challenges for VW consisted of complains by the customers for high prices, the main plant in Wolfsburg only made profit when the workers were on overtime and the Japanese competitors were becoming a threat by using UK plants to produce similar models at a less expensive price. Moreover, about 30,000 employees were no longer necessary but VW could not fire them because they lived in undeveloped areas, there were high costs as Audi and VW produced a similar engine but no mixing in production was occurring and in the US, the sales from 600,000 units in 1970 went to 50,000 units. Finally, in the Asian market, not including China, VW obtained less than 2% of the market share. In addition, the auto industry was going through its worst recession during the last 30 years. In 1993 Ferdinand Pià «ch took over Dr. Carl Hahn and became Chairman of the Board of Management of the company. From that point on, through his aggressive strategy for entering new markets, consist VW a globalized organization, in-organization changes, modification in the production lines and communication with the employees, managed to transform VW into the first automobile company in its industry. According to Beinhocker (2006) there are two elements which sustain a long term success. The execution of activities and the adaptability of those challenges so as to survive in the future. In his article, The Adaptable Corporation, he states literature where the action of execution is against adapting, meaning that very few organizations manage to achieve both. Beinhocker also mentions research which concludes that short-term achievers are successful but lose their way when there is change in the environment. Piech managed to bring change into VW and adapt it within the organization culture without shifting apart. Changes in markets and technologies, depressions, wars, globalization are barriers which VW overcame and made it to the long run. What is important to note from Beinhocker is the process for change. The author states that most turnarounds are easier and faster achieved when there is a change in management instead of a change in the business model. In the case of VW, not on ly there was a new CEO but there were changes in the strategy. For instance, Pià «ch focused on internationally expanding the company and tried to differentiate the brands of the group without increasing the costs. However, in order to comprehend the successful run of VW, it is important to understand Pià «chs leadership style. Ferdinand Pià «ch is an Austrian engineer, born in 1937 and the grandson of Ferdinand Porsche, the creator of the Volkswagen Beetle, the Mercedes-Benz SS/SSK and the Porsche brand. In 1975 he acquired his first job as a manager at Audi. In 1993 he was called to VW and by 2002, when his retirement was planned, transformed it into the first automobile company worldwide, adding brands like Bugatti, Lamborghini and Bentley. It was his belief that the reason VW was going through a crisis in the early 1990s was the lack of preparation and homework by the people working in the company. Pià «chs leadership style has characteristics that consist him a high task oriented person because of his clear vision, his passion, his knowledge and the guidelines he set for his employees. However, he can be attributed the style of a task master as he leaded through fear. He had the respect of his colleagues but on the other hand he was described as a brutal person who wanted to be informed of the smallest detail and that is why he was called freak control. He liked to visit his employees at their working place and pressure them. However, he did not give direct orders and his managers should for example, change the task of 100 people immediately if they suspected Pià «ch wanted to do something in a different way. Pià «ch was never afraid to blame someone for their mistakes. For instance, a problem occurred in Mexico with Golfs launch, not passing certain requirements. He stated that the workers were not to blame but the managers. Ferdinand Pià «ch is a transformational leader. Through the actions he took in VW he has showed that he is able to pass his vision to the individuals around him and create extraordinary performance which will eventually lead to success. He would spend most of his time in the plants talking to employees, pressuring them. He never remained non-committal and his employees thought of him as tough but at the same time very reliable. He had the ability of making people trust him and could motivate them. For instance, he gave the opportunity to his employees to form unions and chose to rearrange the working schedule instead of firing the excess staff. He had charisma as he loved what he did and used the German traditional automobile industry strengths to bring innovation. He understood the market and its demands and using his new strategy he led VW to a transformation to the top. Through his ability to turn words into successful resulted actions, Pià «ch is an authentic leader. When he first took over VW he had self-awareness and market awareness so as to be confident enough to implement his strategy. He followed the steps of his grandfather and combined them with the different time period and the knowledge he had. He could read the environment around him and along with the communication he had with this staff and his colleagues he built a strong organization which succeeds until now. Pià «ch succeeded in his work as a CEO in VW by aligning his strategy according to the environment. The automobile industry is a highly competitive industry which in the early 1990s was going through a financial crisis. The technology was changing every day, the costs were high for creating each model and the consumers were not happy. Pià «ch introduced a new platform manufacturing system which allowed VW to produce same parts for different car brands and most importantly, lower costs. He is also known for his aggressive moves into other markets. In order to sustain a competitive advantage, Pià «ch continued updating the product line and achieved a respectable market share around the world. As Pià «chs leadership style was affected by his childhood and the WWII, he grew up to believe that alliances were a guaranteed strategy for anything you do. Therefore, he acquired other companies such as the Bentley, Lamborghini and Bugatti. The core competencies of VW after the transformatio n by Pià «ch were the restructuring of the company, its efficiency, the product line, the platform system and its globalization. A key competence in the success run of VW is its employees. As mentioned before, VW estimated of having 30,000 employees who were not needed. Therefore, VW adopted a four day schedule per week and reduced wages by 16% while supporting the unions. VW became an innovator as the labour relations are concerned and aided in reducing unemployment rates. Furthermore, Pià «ch reduced the number of the board members from nine to five and reduced their salaried by 20%. According to the Level 5 Leadership framework by Collins (2005) Pià «ch is a level 4 effective leader. He had passion for what he was working for, he had clear goals and a vision and was able to motivate the individuals around him and lead VW to success. Through the characteristics of his environment one can conclude that even though he has no humility (he had a patriarch, egoistic style), he was committed and very confident for the future. The action logic Pià «ch follows, according to Rooke Torbert (2005) is a combination of the achiever and the strategist. Pià «ch when he started, had a vision for VW and had the capabilities to implement his goals. He was well aware of the market and at the same time he managed to transform the organization into an international, successful company. Pià «chs personality is definitely a driving force for his actions and results. He once said: It was always my goal to lead a bigger company than my grand-father. He was described as a very passionate man who through the cars design and the patriarchal protective approaches he was using to his workforce, wanted to keep his grandfathers memory and style alive. Pià «ch loved technology and cars and had a deep understanding of the customers. However, his fellow executives saw him as an egoist who considered himself the patriarch of VW. It is no surprise, that his personal life is as controversial as his professional one. He is the father of 12 children, who he has limited relationships with, by four different women and was also accused of an affair with his cousins wife. The reality was that in 1992, he was the best candidate for leading VW out of the crisis. He had knowledge of the auto industry, especially the German motor industry with its strengths, disputes and weaknesses. According to Aiken Keller (2006), a leader transforming an organization must have and illustrate a meaning for his actions, inspire people, build loyal and strong teams and be ready for any collision. As a result, a successful turnaround will occur like Pià «ch did with VW. Even though Pià «ch was described by the press, his family and his co-workers as a CEO who led by fear, he was always ready for the future and had the brilliance of steering this delicate network. Ferdinand Pià «ch is not only a successful CEO but he is a leader who managed to turnaround VW and position it at the top of the automobile industry worldwide. In the years between 1993 and 2001 sales reached à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬88.5 billion from à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬39.1 billion and an increase of 17% of the international sales occured. It was no surprise when in 1999 he was awarded the prize of Car Executive of the Century. In 2002 he retired from VW but still remains on the board of directors and today, in his 70s, he superv ises the extraordinary legacy he left behind. VWs CEO in the US today is Stefan Jacoby. His strategy is focused around 5 foundations. Local production, the organization, the dealer network, the products and the brand. Jacoby is concentrating on most of the values Pià «ch introduced in 1993 when he first took over VW. However, Pià «ch was following the patriarchal values and style of his grandfather. It is important to adjust the strategic model according to the environments trends. It is a challenge of taking over a successful organizations and trying to keep it at the top with a different leader. To conclude with, it is necessary for VW to grasp on the fundamental values that Pià «ch used to make it successful and at the same time be ready to implement radical changes in case of a crisis.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Essay --
Kassandra Rodriguez Professor Goner Abuse in the workplace Abuse in the workplace is behavior that causes the workers any emotional or physical harm. Discrimination, sexual harassment/harassment, violence and bullying are forms of workplace abuse. These actions are not always detectable from each other because they often overlap. Harassment could be discriminatory, bullying could be a form of harassment, and any of these behaviors can lead to violence in the workplace. There are many questions that could be asked about this like, Do men often report sexual harassment? Do minorities report Discrimination? Do men or women really experience violence in the workplace? Violence in the workplace as an threat or act of physical harm toward another person at the work site. the abusers might use verbal abuse or physically assault their victims to intimidate them. A person who threatens a coworker with physical harm is usually considered a ‘typical’ bully. However, the boss or supervisor who often requests an employee to do work or threa tens to fire them also is a bully. Bullies sometimes pretend to ignore their coworkers to make them feel invisible. Bullies also use other tactics to humiliate their victims, such as rumors to spread lies about them or try to sabotage their work. Discriminatory behavior treats workers very unfair usually on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or age. Discrimination is prohibited by federal and state laws. Unfair actions incorporate retaliation, harassment, denying employment and making decisions that affect people in these categories. Bullying, violence and discrimination often are categorized as workplace harassment. Therefore, harassment victims suffer the sa... ...t down and come up with some statistics and go over our data. Now, participant observation is a little different, The main objective of participant observation is to grasp a deep understanding and become familiar with a certain group of individuals. So where would we conduct this? in an office where there are more than 5 people being ran by 1 boss. How long? anywhere from 6 months to a year. We would keep close eye on how the boss/supervisor interacts with their employees. The main goal is to try and see how the working population is treated behind closed doors. Maybe, this study can help change the way people are treated for working hard. Change the way it is handled, make it more serious when someone files a complaint against a worker for sexual harassment or bullying. Would you want your kids to be treated in this manner? so lets try and stop it head on.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Conflict in Alls Well That Ends Well Essay -- Alls Well That Ends We
Conflict in All's Well That Ends Well     One of the themes that emerges from Shakespeare's comedy All's Well That Ends Well is the conflict between old and new, age and youth, wisdom and folly, reason and passion. As one critic points out, a simple glance at the characters of the play reveals an almost equally balanced cast of old and young. "In performance it is apparent that the youth of the leading characters, Helena, Bertram, Diana and Parolles, is in each case precisely balanced by the greater age of their counterparts, the Countess, the King of France, the Widow of Florence and the old counselor Lafeu."1 Indeed, the dialectic between youth and age is established in the first act as the Countess sees a mirror of her former self in Helena's love sick countenance in scene three when she exclaims "Even so it was with me when I was young," and Bertram's worthiness to the ailing King of France in the previous scene appears to hang upon his youthful resemblance to his deceased father. As the King explains, "Such a man might be a copy to these younger times,/Which followed well would demonstrate them now/But goers-backward" [I.2. 49-51]. Like so many literary youths of his day, Shakespeare went backward for his source material for All's Well and based the play on Giovanni Boccaccio's Decameron. Boccaccio's early sixteenth-century story revolves around Giletta of Narbona, the daughter of a wealthy and respected physician. Giletta, like Helena (the daughter of the deceased--and indigent--Gerard de Narbonne), falls in love with young count Beltramo, follows him to Paris where she remedies the King's incurable disease, and, because of her newly-acquired royal favor, is granted the right to demand a husband: Beltramo. Despite ... the confusing and difficult landscape of gender politics and postmodern deconstruction. And rather than accept Helena's all too confident statement that "All's well that ends well," we might more willingly embrace the King's more ambiguous statement," All yet seems well." 1 J.L. Styan, All's Well That Ends Well (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1984) 15. 2 W.W. Lawrence, Shakespeare's Problem Comedies, 1931 rpt (New York: Ungar, 1960). 3 Anne Barton, "Introduction," All's Well That Ends Well in The Riverside Shakespeare ed. G. Blakemore Evans (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1974) 501. 4 Ibid, 500. 5 David McCandless, "Helena's Bed-trick: Gender and Performance in All's Well That Ends Well" Shakespeare Quarterly 45 (1994): 455. 6 Richard A. Levin, "All's Well That Ends Well, and 'All Seems Well'," Shakespeare Studies (1980): 131. 7 McCandless, 450. Â
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Environmental Concerns and Public Policy Essay
Your 8 to 10 page final paper is to be a comprehensive research study on one of the following Public Policy topics: Social Security Health Care Welfare Primary and Secondary Public Education Environmental Concerns You will identify relevant material consistent with the focus of the topic using scholarly journals and professional websites with authored material (not popular Internet sites). Your analysis of the selected topic must include the following: The scope and nature of the public policy problem The evolution of public policy Evaluation of policy, the actors involved The intergovernmental structure and political concerns The approaches to policy setting The suggested policy direction that is supported by research In addition to the textbook, you must use a minimum of six resources from the Ashford Online Library Database, academic websites or professional journals and organizations in the field of Sociology. You are encouraged to analyze your findings and avoid over-use of direct quotations. Writing the Final Paper The Research Paper: Must be eight double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide. Must include a cover page that includes: Student’s name Course name and number Title of paper Instructor’s name Date submitted Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph. Must use APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide to document all sources. Must incl†¦ To get this material copy and paste link to browser – Going to college is an experience that will help you shape your personality and build a better future for yourself. It is important that you think about your decision carefully, compare different schools and programs and find a way to finance your education. Read this article to learn more about college. Sociology – General Sociology Final Paper Your 8 to 10 page final paper is to be a comprehensive research study on one of the following Public Policy topics: Social Security Health Care Welfare Primary and Secondary Public Education Environmental Concerns You will identify relevant material consistent with the focus of the topic using scholarly journals and professional websites with authored material (not popular Internet sites). Your analysis of the selected topic must include the following: The scope and nature of the public policy problem The evolution of public policy Evaluation of policy, the actors involved The intergovernmental structure and political concerns The approaches to policy setting The suggested policy direction that is supported by research In addition to the textbook, you must use a minimum of six resources from the Ashford Online Library Database, academic websites or professional journals and organizations in the field of Sociology. You are encouraged to analyze your findings and avoid over-use of direct quotations. Writing the Final Paper The Research Paper: Must be eight double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide. Must include a cover page that includes: Student’s name Course name and number Title of paper Instructor’s name Date submitted Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph. Must use APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide to document all sources. Must include six sources in addition to your text. Must include, on the final page, a Reference Page that is completed according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide. Carefully review the Grading Rubric for th†¦
Monday, September 16, 2019
Pork Barrel Essay
I am an average teenager, but I am aware of what is happening in the country. One of the big problem that our country encounters today is CORRUPTION. â€Å"Pork Barrel†is the appropriation of government spending for localized projects secured solely or primarily to bring money to a representative’s district. The usage originated in American English. In election campaigns, the term is used in derogatory fashion to attack opponents. The corruption in our country is passed by generation to generation. If we don’t act now as an living individual the next generation would still suffer, just think our children’s future if we don’t speak out or act out now. Yes, we do pay taxes but whenever you see the road trails and the situation of the poverty? Would you be happy? Is it worth seeing?. As we respond to the call of the times, we can say that we are all heroes. We are a nation of heroes: resilient and staunch in the face of adversity, ready to fight against the evil that is the pork barrel system. We are not only commemorating our fallen heroes – we are all heroes in our own right, in our own little way. The real cause behind corruption is absence of a â€Å"respectable justice system†. Philippine justice is not credible, and most of the Filipino people are losing respect for it, because it cannot enforce the rule of law against prominent characters and powerful corrupt government officials. Philippine justice is â€Å"POLITICALLY ADULTERATED†which means that it is more dominated by politicians who consider themselves the superior elites of society at the expense of the rights of the common people. It’s safe to say that their Glory days are long gone. When mostly the outsiders think that Philippines today is a political instability, economic struggle, crime, and corruption that often come to mind. As a Filipino citizen would you be proud to hear that? I think the answer is â€Å"NO†. When political leaders lie, cheat and steal, when public offices become public curse especially in terms of graft and corruption, when public funds go to private pockets, then we begin to realize how cruel and disgrace this act have done to our country. Because the politicians, are the most notorious abusers of the law where they feel they can simply steal the bounty of the people and cannot be made accountable for their wrongful acts. A changing nation?. Maybe changing for the worse, bribery, corruption, and plundering leaders. The trouble in our country is uncontrollable corruption and greed in the highest level we can imagine, but still we love our very own country Philippines. I c ould tell it’s corruption has become â€Å"a humanitarian crisis†and scandals increasingly to nominate the news. That’s why nowadays foreigners and citizens alike say that our country has the most corrupt leadership. The worsening action of corruption has eaten the right of every citizen to freedom, good governance, less poverty, having decent life and most of all having your dignity, purity, and clean conscience. Corruption is a serious obstacle to the social and economic status of the country. The biggest losers are the citizens or the Filipino people. In effect- the end users are made to pay for overpriced goods and services that are made with the low-quality or substandard goods and services being catered in our country. It is our right to demand real change, action and improvement from those who take our money from and spend it in our name. We have the right to stand in our own two feet for our own sake to see the real Freud. Sadly the corruption is not limited to just politicians and policemen. Everyone seems motivated by pure greed in the dog-eat-dog culture that has taken hold in the country. Let’s give thanks to the Philippine justice system that they can control at will. Corruption is the gravest threat in our country. Political Donations has a big part in corruption as you can see, some people the donation being given during campaign in order to gain the vote, are you one of them? I hope not. The concentration of the small group of elite families, seen in combination with political donations, gives these families with undue advantage and this had led to concerns as to their undue influence on both Philippine politics and business life.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Better Business Bureau Essay
The BBB was created to establish an environment of trust between buyers & sellers. This trust is created through the BBB’s â€Å"standards of trust†. Companies that abide by these standards in turn receive accreditation. As a not for profit, the BBB relies on funds from sponsors and members. Up until recent, the BBB seemed to have offered special benefits to those that paid a fee to become members. Such accusations have caused the BBB to address their current system and make changes to ensure fairness amoung members and non-members. 1)Who is the BBB’s most important stakeholder, business or consumers? ->The most important stakeholder for the BBB is the consumer. Yes, businesses provide the resources for the BBB, but they only do this to create a positive image for their brand in the eyes of consumers. If the consumers did not care about the ratings of the BBB then businesses would not invest. 2)Do you think the BBB can truly be impartial given its financial dependence on business? ->No the BBB can’t be impartial. There needs to be a reason for companies to invest in the BBB. If the treatment of non-members were truly the same as members, then the company will give companies little reason to invest. 3)What actions can you take to make sure the â€Å"pay for play†scheme did not happen again? ->The main issue with the â€Å"pay for play†scheme was the fact that those who sold first year memberships received a 45 percent commission. This type of reward system is very similar to the AIG system that caused problems within their company. ->The BBB should implement a new reward system. Maybe a system that provides rewards based on the pitching of memberships to potential business. Employees should be rewarded regardless of if the sale goes through or not.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Journal Entry for Stephen Crane’s, An Episode of War Essay
This short piece of American literature is a descriptive prose depicting a scene in the American Civil War. An unnamed lieutenant is wounded at his right arm while resting with the rest of his troops during an active battle. The story enables the readers to take part on the lieutenant’s perceptions on what is happening and how the battle was shaped and he is a participant or a victim of a battle unknown to him. The battle is fierce and tumultuous; it was able to take the innocent lives and anything on its way. All of this thinking happened while the lieutenant passed the line of the battle, while he was in search of the field hospital. At the hospital, the wounded officer had a brief and unpleasant encounter with a surgeon who is rude and lied to him, saying that his arm will not be amputated. The story was able to envelop the soft and meek side of an army officer in a few lines of dialogue of having his right arm amputated. In the end, the lieutenant went along with the surgeon for a medical procedure but end up losing his arm. The army officer felt ashamed when he got home to his family and showing an empty sleeve. He was a victim of a war that could have been avoided and he will not have to lose his arm.
Friday, September 13, 2019
The Continental Airlines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
The Continental Airlines - Essay Example Last May and October, 2010, UAL created several mergers involving Continental Express JT Merger Sub Inc., and Continental, with Continental surviving as a wholly owned subsidiary of UAL Corporation. At the last part of the Merger, the UAL became the parent company of both Continental and United and this was followed by change of name to United Continental Holding., Inc, its present name (Reuters, 2011b) UAL market share cannot be clearly determined but based on total of its ranking from the industry players in terms of sales for the past twelve trailing months, it shares a big part of the market. See Appendix C. UAL is part of those top ten in terms of revenues in the arilines industry. With almost 6,000 daily a day to more than 375 US domestic and international destinations from its hubs from various international airports that can be found in Guam, Denver, Houston Bush, Cleveland Hopkins, Los Angeles International Airport, San Francisco and Washington Dulles, one could imagine just how big the company is in reach of customers and related its market share. Its geographical locations can be determined by the extent of its domestic and international operations which can be described to be global. Continental flight destinations are throughout the US, Latin America, Europe and the Asia-Pacific Regions. Its major competitors are Delta Air, Southwest Airlines, and US Airways. A and Nip pon Airways (Reuters, 2011d). Although, this paper originally seeks to evaluate the Continental Airlines’ financial condition and strategies, analysis and discussion would now be on UAL or the holding company of which Continental and United are subsidiaries by looking at the how the company (UAL) has maximized value for its shareholders. The best way to determine whether the company has maximized value to its shareholders it estimates the company’s value in relation to what the market actually reflects. Valuation would be
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Accommodating English Language Learners in the elementary classroom Essay - 1
Accommodating English Language Learners in the elementary classroom - Essay Example This would help comply with the Federal standard of No Child Left Behind by facilitating English Language Learners’ attainment of Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAO) (Whitsett & Hubbard, 2009). To accommodate English Language Learners in my elementary class, I would acquaint myself with their family backgrounds. This would help me understand some of the things that I should avoid in class in order not to come out as stereotypical thus fulfilling the federal standard of diversity in education. Additionally, I would accommodate English Language Learners in my elementary class by fostering rapport with their parents because they are crucial in the success of these learners. Fostering rapport and liaising with the parents of these learners would facilitate my compliance with Federal legal requirement that accords these parents the right to decline an English Language learner program. Finally, I would accommodate English Language Learners in my elementary class by giving them language acquisition tests that match their level. This would help me prepare them for the federal legal requirement that all learners, including English Language Learners, be subjected to an annual statew ide assessment (Whitsett & Hubbard,
Development of film through 20th and into the 21st Century Essay - 1
Development of film through 20th and into the 21st Century - Essay Example By early 1900’s, twenty-four frames per second standardized method became most popular for projecting films. The characteristic discrepancies in filming speeds due to being dependent on cinematographers hand speed saw the process of filming remain unstandardized for a long period. A skilled cinematographer was able to film a complete film at constant speeds; however, variations were made in order to incorporate special effects. Georges Melies, the popular French filmmaker was the first individual to use changing backgrounds and outfits to narrate his story. Prior to that event, most films were short and took place on a single set. His idea on stage opened up a wide variety of new prospects and stimulated growth in the largely green industry. As the film industry spread and wide, American cinematographers thought it wise to find a central location that would serve them better in creating films uninterrupted. California features of bright sunlight, favourable climatic conditions and a wide-ranging terrain made it perfect for filmmakers, and, thus, ended up being their preferred choice. Hollywood, as is commonly known became a chosen heaven for movie creators. Key innovations within this period also played a vital role that propelled Hollywood dominance in the film industry. Hollywood became an audience pleaser, as technological advancements in the use of double reel in filming made it possible to have lengthy films. The two-hour long films replaced the short 30 minutes films. The double reel camera became a darling for filmmakers. The film industry grew exponentially in two fronts, both financially and in creativity. Film producers in Hollywood swiftly learned that movie spectators were attracted to particular artists and film players, the â€Å"movie stars,†who could attract the largest crowds, thus, bringing in a lot of revenue. Colloquially, this is referred to as the â€Å"Star System.†This discovery in Hollywood
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The gospel of Mark Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The gospel of Mark - Essay Example It is a critical time in the history of the Church and the passage in Mark 7:1-23 must be seen against this particular historical background. There is one major theme throughout this passage, and that is the difference between purity and defilement, and the key motivation of Jesus appears to be to announce a very significant shift from Jewish to Christian thinking. It is a transitional passage, therefore, and this can be seen in two ways. Jesus signals a transition from the Old Covenant based on the law, to something that transcends the law, and he shifts his mission from the Jewish heartlands to the Gentile territories. These two dimensions are, of course, connected. The passage in question introduces a phase of preaching and teaching in the Gentile territories. The major difference between Jews and Gentiles is the observance of Jewish law by the Jews only. As a Jew himself, Jesus attracted much criticism from Jewish authorities for his liberal attitude to some of the Jewish command ments, and no doubt also some apprehension from the Gentiles who would need to know whether following Jesus would mean converting to Judaism with all that this entails. It is clear from the text that some of the followers of Jesus observed the Jewish dietary rules, and some did not. The issue was, therefore, not clearly settled and this was a potential cause of disunity in the early Church. In fact this issue is documented again and again, as reported in Acts2 and in the letters of Paul.3 The gospel passage spells out what the Jewish laws entail, even though the disciples are already well aware of these rules. This detail is evidence that the teaching of these points is designed for Gentile listeners in the first instance, to explain what the issue is about and invite them now to join with the followers of Jesus on an equal basis, not constrained by the laws that had previously separated all those of Jewish heritage form all those of gentile birth. In other words, this is a message intended for non-Jews. This point is raised now because it is necessary in order to remove social boundaries that could hamper Jesus’ mission to the Gentiles.4 The issue is not completely resolved, however, and commentators note that the position of Jews who became followers of Christ is left open, suggesting that continued observance of the dietary laws is an option for them.5 In the first part of the passage, Mark 7:1-14 the writer of the Gospel clearly is setting down a definitive teaching here which absolves Gentile followers from having to obey the Jewish laws. The position for the disciples is further discussed in the remainder of the section, and in this case the message is taken to a different level. Some commentators suggest that the passage signifies a departure from the old Jewish laws: â€Å"the Markian Jesus declares that in fact all people are defiled – not by what they eat and drink but by what they will say and do†.6 This utterance signals a depa rture from the situation that pertained when God gave the law to the Jews, since, in the words of Boring it is â€Å"not descriptive, but performative; not explaining what has always been the case, but changing the situation by Jesus’ authoritative declaration†.7 The distinction between purity and impurity is maintained, but the source of defilement is now defined in terms of what a person does, and not what kind of food he or she eats. It opens the door for Jesus to go on and mingle with lepers, male and female Gentiles, and all kinds of sinners without fear of defilement in the traditional Jewish sense. When Jesus or his disciples are accused of defilement, he responds â€Å"by dismissing these boundaries as â€Å"
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Quantitative Methods Exam Paper Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Quantitative Methods Exam - Term Paper Example This in the long run supports accuracy and exactness of research conducted. ( Thompson 2002) a. Process- pilot studies are conducted to determine the feasibility steps to be followed in the main study. Feasibility steps must have all the prerequisites of simple statistical techniques. When the feasibility steps are not as required, they may mislead the conclusion on whether the project can be undertaken or not. b. Management- Pilot studies help solve all the human and data management problems in all the participating centers of the research process like personnel and data. Management is mandatory in any research since together with planning one would be able to minimize all the costs of conducting research and bringing out the findings clearly. c. Resources- pilot studies save a lot of time and money by foreseeing research that can be unproductive if carried out since they provide enough data to researchers for decision-making. Decisions on the resources to employ and those not to employ can easily be made hence help save on the necessary costs. (Dunn & Clark 1994) I. Define the population concerned- This is the basis of a successful statistical practice as it includes the definition of the sample from which our sample is picked. This contains items with the desired characteristics desired by the body. The essence of this is that there are no enough resources to gather information from all the items in the population. II. Specify the sample frame. This includes a set of items, which would be measured. This helps in the identification of each single element to be included in the defined sample. This is appropriately done by listing all the elements of the population with their contact information. VI. Do the actual sampling and data collection. Good data collection will involve following the defined process, keeping data in a timely
Monday, September 9, 2019
Evaluation of the Financial Statements of Ford and General Motors Research Paper
Evaluation of the Financial Statements of Ford and General Motors - Research Paper Example The company manufactures cars worldwide, which includes countries like Canada, Mexico, United States, China, UK, and many other countries. General Motors was among the top auto-makers of the world and one of the most well-known in America. The objective of the company was to be the most successful automaker in a span of 5 years and also ensure that the marketing strategies such as e-commerce technologies are utilized for the overall growth of the organization. The mission of the company was to become the most respected automakers in the world. General Motors was indeed successful in moving towards its goals. We would be presenting a comparative analysis of the financial statements of both the companies to evaluate the financial status of both General Motors and Ford. The financial analysis would include evaluation of the financial statements of Ford and General Motors, which would assist in understanding the revenue and profitability of the two companies and the operating expenses that the company has to bear. The financial data for the last 2 years has been studied for such purpose. We would be considering the financial highlights of General Motors after its restructuring. The market share of General Motors has increased by 0.4 percent in 2011 from 11.9 percent in the year 2010. Even a hike of 13 percent has been recorded in sales than the last year. General Motors had to downsize due to bankruptcy, so after restructuring the company created 17,500 jobs in America. The company also added around 3,400 dealerships more in US alone to provide better services to customers and a wonderful sales experience. In the Asian market such as China, General Motors has again gained its leadership position. The revenue in 2011 has been recorded to be $ 150 billion, which was $ 135.6 billion in 2010. Similarly, the net income was $ 4.7 billion in 2010, which has increased to $ 7.6 in 2011.Â
Sunday, September 8, 2019
People who care about the Earth Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
People who care about the Earth - Term Paper Example Compared to other biogas plant system, for example, the one that uses dung and sewerage, the system that uses food waste is pro- active since a small amount of food waste produces a lot of energy and only in a shorter period of time compared to the other conventional biogas system that uses dung and sewerage which requires up to over one month to complete the reaction and produce electrical energy (Pimm and Thomas 14). To be precise, two kilograms of food waste takes around 24 hours to complete the reaction after which approximately 500g of energy are produced in the form of methane. This invention of ARTI Biogas plant clearly indicates that it is the most efficient biogas system as it produces results with over approximately 800 times as efficient compared to other biogas systems (Bill 50). A brief history of people who invented the solar system includes Alexandre Edmond, who was instrumental in explaining how electricity can be harvested from sunlight (Frankham, David and Jonathan 46). Russell Ohl came later and invented the solar cell. The panel composed of particular metals which would emit electrons after being hit by direct sunlight. The electrons then flow through a conductor that then creates electricity. The use of solar power through the use of sunlight is increasingly efficient since it generates a lot of electricity without posing a threat to the universe through waste emissions and pollution. Solar panels are also considered efficient since they have a long lifespan meaning that it is quite reliable (Bill 56). Another individual who has contributed to conserving the planet is Tom Krimigis. Tom spent over 45 years of inventing and exploring the solar system. Tom even went ahead and won an achievement trophy, the National Air and Space Museum’s Trophy, which is currently the highest museum’s honor. Tom was highly instrumental in coming up with
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Alexander of Macedon Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Alexander of Macedon - Research Paper Example Alexander as commander ensured excellent use of psychological war and propaganda, as it created a sense of revenge appealing to the Greeks. Despite the sources Alexander did win the battle which led him to continue his invasion of Persia. As for his troops, Alexander visited the wounded and received great respect from his men. Plutarch wrote of the capture of Darius’s family, and on much more on Alexander’s campaign. The action performed showed Alexander’s respect and nobility as a commander ignoring the reality that Darius was his enemy. Continuing on, he defeated Bessus, then moved on to India, and fought King Porus at the Hydaspes River in which once again was another victory. The truth that Alexander overpowered Darius, Bessus and King Porus in their own kingdoms reveals Alexander’s brilliance as an outstanding commander. [1] His mentality as commander was flexible and the concern he showed to his army led to few casualties in battles. When men died, A lexander showed compassion and honored the dead, and this led to Alexander having the great respect from his men. ... ccording to Bosworth â€Å"He loved them and they loved him as their king and as a man, and they could not bear to let him die without greeting him.†[2] This statement can assist in proving the ‘love’ aspect of his relationship as king with his men, and one must see this side of Alexander’s Kingship. In the determining of the rift at the Hydaspes River, after shedding tears and after listening to his men moaning outside his tent, Alexander assured them in these words which definitely consoled them then and there â€Å"but all of you regard as my kinsmen†. [3] In addition to this compassion, Alexander paid off his men’s debts off which totaled to 20,000 talents, a kind deed, and in the thirteen years of Alexander’s rule, he brought Macedon â€Å"immense wealth which maintained their strength for generations†. [4] The affiliation of Alexander as King towards his Macedones is wide-ranging. It is obvious that Alexander was an obsess ed king whose sufferings and implementations to Persian traditions created enormous annoyance and aggravation between his men towards him. There are more unconstructive perspectives in regard to Alexander’s successes as king, but in certain circumstances, we see the positives and affection Alexander and his men had for each other. As statesman, Alexander established his kingdom by using his skills as statesman. One of his first and most significant achievements as statesman was gaining the submission of Greece after the death of his father Philip. According to Hammond, when Alexander died he had 25 satrapies, which were ran by hundreds of influential senior officials from Asia and Europe. Of the Satrapies, most of the satraps (governor of satrapy) were Persian. Alexander kept these men in these powerful positions because they had the
Friday, September 6, 2019
Effects of Globalization on the Society Essay Example for Free
Effects of Globalization on the Society Essay Globalization is one of the contemporary policies implemented in attempt to resolve the economic dilemma of various countries and to encourage free flowing economic transactions among nations. And as such, globalization has become an influential phenomenon reaching various global scopes. It is an international process by which nations are being pushed to form a single and unified global society. The different societies within a globalized community undergo various transformation and developments which are comprised of common practices and beliefs known as the cultural universals. The cultural universals are adaptations in meeting the needs of the members of the society in terms of food, clothing and shelter. Developments are achieved through innovations. Innovation is the process of injecting new ideas or objects within a culture. And with these changes and innovations, this process also renders social consequences. There are two types of innovations: discovery and invention. The Chapter 3 of the book â€Å"Sociology a Brief Introduction†explained how development in culture occurs in the global setting. This chapter expounded the various concepts pertaining to the development of cultures such as globalization, diffusion and technology (Schaefer 58-60). The current globalization policy renders effects on the various aspects of the society. Globalization is a broad term. It encompasses the various aspects of the nation including politics, society and economy. More often than not, globalization is associated to the economic activities of the nation but it also affects the various aspects of society. Globalization Globalization is the integration of the economies and societies worldwide. Globalization is considered as one of the most hotly-debated topics in the field of international economics over the past few years (â€Å"Globalization†). It is the process of making the local or regional phenomenon into a global one. The nations are unified into a single society which carry out the function together. It is like integrating the economic, technological, sociocultural and political aspects of the nation (Croucher 10). Whenever globalization is mentioned, it is often associated with economic concepts and activities. Globalization is viewed as an economic process that integrates national economies into one international economy benefiting the activities of the inherent economy (Bhagwati 3). The term has been frequently defined by different economists, and as the such, the concept of globalization has developed so many definitions in accordance to the society’s point of view where the term is being utilized. The term â€Å"globalization†has been around for quite a long time. The concept has not been popular until the late 1980s and 1990s when its theoretical concepts became more well known. But the activities of globalization has already been put to practice even during the early times when the European countries colonized other parts of the world (Yergin). The first wave of globalization occurred during the 19th century which resulted to an incredible increase and growth in the international trade and economic interaction with the European countries dominating the world’s economic activities (Yergin). But the concept of globalization became more pronounced and used after the Second World War. The emergence of this concept came from the idea of the reconstruction of societies after the destructions caused by the war. The establishment of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank became two of the most influential international organizations that pioneered the reconstruction of war-devastated countries and became relevant agents in restoring economic progress and stability in these nations. Effects of Globalization Globalization is a strategic economic process which aims to provide prosperity and growth to the world’s economy. However, globalization has advantages and disadvantages. Although in the economic point of view, globalization is a positive and beneficial process. But its contribution to the overall increase in the global prosperity is still unparalleled. Globalization creates a process of disseminating modern methods and equipments needed in the contemporary enterprise management, economic growth and global financing. This way, globalization also increases labor productivity and efficiency of the factors of production (Bozyk 3). Moreover, globalization hastens the movement of the essential factors of production, especially the capital and technology. The other factors increasing the production is swiftly moving such as new and innovative ideas, modern technologies and production methods. Consumers, on the other hand, also benefit from the process by purchasing high-quality products due to the increase efficiency in production. In this process, globalization influences the consumption and quality of the products (Bozyk 4). The communication and information industries are also greatly influenced by globalization process. Information disseminated under the tenets of free trade and in the advent of advanced technology tools and gadgets rendered the information industry free movement and easy access to the people. The emergence of internet accessibility and telephone services brought information closer to the people. On the other hand, globalization also renders disadvantages that are inappropriate to some countries engaging in the contemporary economic trend. Some of these disadvantages include the reality that globalization only brings profit to the wealthy and well-developed countries and amplifies the marginal difference of the well-developed and developing countries. The international economic policy is leaning towards the wealthy and powerful countries and is unsuitable to the developing countries (Gavrilenkov et. al 233). Moreover, some countries are utilizing globalization to establish world domination, authority and power which will enable stronger countries to manipulate the relationships of different countries within the international order. Nowadays, the United States is enjoying the status of being one of the strongest nations or probably the sole world superpower. However, the current status of China, its economic stability, and the rate at which the Chinese economy progresses will soon rival United States in terms of industry, wealth and technological improvements (Hurst 91). Works Cited Bhagwati, Jagdish. In Defense of Globalization. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. Bozyk, Pawel. Globalization and the Transformation of Foreign Economic Policy. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2006. Croucher, Shiela L. Globalization and Belonging: The Politics of Identity a Changing World. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman Littlefield, 2004. Gavrilenkov, Evgeny, Paul J. J. Welfens and Ralf Wiegert. Economic Opening Up and Growth in Russia. New York: Springer Verlag Berlin Heidlberg, 2004. â€Å"Globalization†. 2001. The World Bank Group. 10 October 2008 http://www1. worldbank. org/economicpolicy/globalization/. Hurst, Charles E. Social Inequality: Forms, Causes and Consequences. Boston: Allyn Bacon, 2006. Schaefer, Richard T. Sociology:A Brief Introduction. United Kingdom: Academic Internet Publishers Incorporated, 2006. Yergin, David. â€Å"Commanding Heights†. n. d. 10 October 2008 http://www. pbs. org/wgbh/commandingheights/shared/minitext/tr_show01. html.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Webster family case study
Webster family case study The Case Study: The Webster Family, A Family In Crisis? This assignment requires me to outline what model of assessment I will use when working with the Webster family. I will also give a description on how the family was referred to social services for a Section 47 (S47) investigation. There will be a strategy meeting and the details of this meeting will be outlined along with instructions given. There will be a case conference held to discuss whether the children are at risk of significant harm or the likelihood of significant harm. There will be a clear recommendation as to whether I will register these children on the child protection register, justifying my decision. Whilst working with the Webster family I will explain what legislation I used, my research into the theories involved and also I will provide details of any anti-oppressive practice and any anti-discriminatory practice whilst working with this family. Ms Webster and Mr Webster have lived together for twelve years. They have three children, Faith and Hope who are twins and are aged ten and Charity who is seven years old. Charity has Cerebral palsy, is doubly incontinent and is a wheelchair user. Mrs Webster is a teacher and Mr Webster was a probation officer who up until twelve months ago worked full time. Following an accident a work he has taken early retirement on health grounds and is now employed full time as a househusband looking after the children. The family are not known to social services or any other welfare agencies. There have been many tensions building up within the family home since his accident and after a violent row Mr Webster left the family home. After speaking to the headmaster it appeared there had been an incident of domestic violence in front of the children and staff. Previous to this incident, the day before Charities class teacher had had reported to Mr Perry that over the last two weeks Charities appearance had deteriorated, her clothes were unclean and her nappies were soiled and Charity smelled of urine. Charity had also began being aggressive to her friends and to the staff. A staff member had also discovered pressure sores on Charity. When Charities teacher telephoned Ms Webster to tell of their concerns, Ms Webster was frosty in response. After the incident outside the school Mr Webster explained that Ms Webster had attacked him on two other occasions and these incidents again where witness by the children. On both occasions the police were called, however Mr Webster was concerned about social services and did not press charges. After the incident, later that afternoon The Education Welfare Officer (EWO) Ms Murray, went to visit Ms Webster at home but was refused entry. Ms Webster was verbally abusive. Ms Murray then tried to speak to Charity but she refused to talk to her. Ms Murray then went to visit Mr Webster where the twins were staying. The twins seemed fine but a little subdued. Mr Webster stated that he would be looking after the twins and he would like custody of all three children. Following the visit a strategy meeting was formed. A strategy discussion will take place if there is reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering or is likely to suffer significant harm. This will involve The Local Authority Social Care, the Police and other bodies as appropriate for example, a headmaster or a teacher (Working Together to Safeguard Children, 2006). Present in the meeting was myself (duty care social worker), Ms Gold (my team manager), WPC Bond (family protection unit), Mr Perry (headmaster) and Ms Murray (EWO). A strategy discussion is to share information regarding the situation at hand and another aspect is to plan how the S47 enquiry, if there is to be one, should be carried out. We can also agree action is required immediately to safeguard and promote the welfare of the child. The Domestic Violence Unit reported they did not refer these incidents to Social Services as they did not see the children to be at any risk, however Working Together states t hat children may suffer directly and indirectly if they live in households where there is domestic violence and domestic violence is likely to have a damaging effect on the health and development of children. It is often appropriate for such children to be regarded as children in need S17. Mckie (2005) makes some interesting observations on the terms perpetrator and victim in an analysis of domestic violence. The policies and practices connected with domestic violence become gendered in so far as women are conceptualized as those who should act. Mckie (2005). Working Together also says that children who witness domestic violence have been shown to be at risk from behavioural, emotional, physical, cognitive functioning, attitude and long term developmental problems. We do know that Charity has become aggressive and abusive. After the strategy meeting and because of the concerns regarding Charity, It was agreed after a discussion with my team manager that I would visit Ms Webster to discuss the referral from school. From this I would then make an assessment as to whether the child/children are at risk of significant harm or the likelihood of significant harm. The overall decision was that a S47 enquiry should proceed with immediate effect. Some children are in need because they are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm. Concerns about maltreatment may be a reason for a referral of a family to social services. In such circumstances, the Local Authority is obliged to consider initiating enquiries to find out what is happening to a child and whether action should be taken to protect a child. This is set out in Part V S47 of The Children Act 1989 (Protection of Children). The Framework for the Assessment of Children In Need and Their Families (2000), section 1.28 states that the LA has a duty to respond to children in need to provide services to minimise the effects of disabilities, this applies to Charity. We also have to take steps to prevent neglect or ill treatment. There does appear to be in this, in relation to Charitys case. Section 17 of the Childrens Act says that services may be provided to assist a child in need. This would refer to Ms Webster if she is agreeable because the needs of parent carers are an integral part of an assessment because providing these services which meets the needs of the parents is often the most effective means of promoting the welfare of children, particularly disabled children. My role now is to recommend which route we proceed down. When I went to visit Ms Webster, She was hostile towards me. Ms Webster said she had never been violent to her husband before and denied the incident outside school. Ms Webster claimed she had no problems looking after her children but showed a negative attitude towards Charity. She spoke about Charity as if she was not there and referred to Charity as she instead of by her name. Ms Webster said Charity was hard work and was always soiling her nappies, shouting and crying. Ms Webster seemed angry as she was explaining this. Whilst we were talking, Charity did not say anything but looked as if she wanted to cry. Charitys appearance was unclean and she smelled of urine. Ms Webster was clearly upset about her husbands sexuality, more than for the safety of her children. When entering Charitys bedroom which Ms Webster had reluctantly agreed to, I found bed clothes stained with urine and stools. The en-suite and bath were both unclean. The rest of the home however was clean and tidy. I sp oke to Ms Webster about my concerns and told her that she would be entitled to help if she would accept it. This empowered Ms Webster and allowed her to feel there was help if she wanted it and she was not alone. Ms Webster did say that she thought Charity may have been affected by witnessing the recent arguments and she would make sure Charity was not further stressed that day. It was discussed that Charity had pressure sores; from this Ms Webster became frosty. Reluctantly she agreed to take Charity to see her doctor and I arranged to visit the next day. The following day on the 20th January 2008 I visited Ms Webster, but there was no answer. When I tried to telephone her there was still no answer. As a result from this, there were concerns regarding the domestic violence and the condition of Charity and it was decided that a Child Protection Case Conference was to go ahead. I will explain this model of assessment I used in this case before I go on to the case conference. The model of assessment used is The Framework for The Assessment of Children In Need and Their Families (DOH 2000) more commonly known as the assessment framework. The assessment framework will be integrated into the revised Working Together to Safeguard Children. A key principle of this framework is that it is child-centred; this means that the child is seen and kept in focus throughout the assessment. The child or children are my main priority as a child social worker. It is also rooted in child development which includes recognition of the significance of timing in a childs life. Calder, M and Hackett, S (2003). This particular assessment model is dynamic, fluid and continuous, this helps the intervention because as changes occur in a persons life, it can adapt to the changes and my care plan can also be adaptable. A criticism of this model is the timescales can force social workers towards a procedural model whereas the Exchange Model offers an empowering dialogue with parents. Smale et al (2000) identify a weakness in this model in that this approach may not work if the service user is not engaging in the process or are unable to articulate themselves.  It also denies that workers have a professional responsibility and can be time consuming, which may create difficulties given the time constraints of The Assessment Framework. It also overlooks the need to adopt a procedural approach given the various questionnaires/scales utilised. Changes have appeared to have happened over the last two weeks for Ms Webster and her family. Domestic violence, with both parties blaming each other and the deteriation of Charitys appearance and her temper towards others. This leads me onto another concept of my assessment, which is parenting capacity. This is done using the assessment triangle, which includes child developmental needs, family and environmental factors. The DOH dimensions of parenting capacity has six core dimensions of parenting capacity, three of these provisions suggest that Charity is not receiving emotional warmth, Charitys needs for secure, stable and an affectionate relationship, appropriate physical contact to provide comfort and warmth and stability of attachments and basic care to provide food, drink, warmth, appropriate clothing and personal hygiene. Ms Websters capacity concerns me because of her response to Charity and her circumstances involving her cleanliness and her appearance, the way she speaks about Charity, whilst Charity can hear her mother, and her reaction to use support and accept help and the relationship between Ms Webster and Charity. Childrens chances of receiving optimal outcomes will depend on their parents capacities to respond appropriately to their needs at different stages of their lives Calder, M and Hacket, S, (2003). Some of the above factors are included in the integrated model for assessing parenting capacity. The parenting style I would suggest of Ms Webster is neglectful parenting as she is neither responsive nor demanding of Charity. Ms Webster lacks the monitoring and the supervision duties surrounding Charity at the moment. Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a childs basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the childs health or development. Working Together To Safeguard Children (1999). From my assessment I would put forward in my opinion and recommend that Charity to be put on the child protection register S47 but not her two twin sisters, but would offer support under S17. This is because of the declining condition of Charitys physical condition and appearance, due to her persistent soiled nappies, the urine smell on Charity, her dirty clothes, her pressure sores and her aggressive nature toward others. Charity has suffered some the physical neglect of because of the delay of being taken to a doctor by her mother. Charity also suffered abuse due to witnessing the domestic violence and therefore there is a h3 possibility of emotional abuse. Research shows that prolonged and/or regular exposure to domestic violence can have a serious impact on the child and/or childrens development and emotional wellbeing and can lead to serious anxiety and distress and in some cases the repetition of violent behaviour. Department of Health (2006). All these factors could lead to significant harm. These are the categories for registration. The twins will not be registered as they are not in any immediate danger as they are both cared for by their father and his partner at the moment, a police check has been carried out and neither is known, the EWO has no concerns regarding the twins. However this situation needs to be monitored and regularly reviewed to safeguard the children as this situation may change. My reasons for recommending registration are the three incidents of domestic violence over the last three months, one known to have been witnesses by the children. Ms Websters reaction outside school when she was verbally abusive, erratic and aggressive. There are neglect issues. We also need to take account of Charities additional needs. A definition of disability is children and their families whose main need for services arises out of the childrens disabilities or intrinsic condition (DOH 2000). This applies to Charity as she falls within the category and she has a medically diagnosed condition, which is Cerebral Palsy. Both parents are blaming each other for the domestic violence issues. There are concerns by school staff regarding Charitys decline in appearance and her aggression. There is also the issue of family attachments which I noted earlier in parenting capacity. After making a recommendation to register Charity an Initial Child Protection Case Conference was set for 28th January 2008. Ms Webster was informed of the decision by telephone and I arranged with her to visit and give her a copy of the notes before the meeting, this will empower Ms Webster and give her some idea of what will happen. I will also keep the family fully informed throughout, invite parents to meetings and explain procedures in an open and honest way. But I will ensure the parents are fully aware of my concerns regarding the risks towards Charity. The function of a case conference is to bring together the child (where appropriate), family members and those professionals most involved with the child and family, following a S47 enquiry. One purpose of this is to decide what future action is required to safeguard and promote the welfare of the child and how action will be taken and what the intended outcomes are. The core group members are I, Ms Webster, Mr Webster, Ms Gold (team manager), WPC Bond (family protection unit), Mr Perry (head teacher) and Ms Murray (EWO). All the above people involved will all play a part in monitoring and safeguarding the surrounding concerns for Charity. During the case conference I will be looking at recommending the following care plan: Behavioural support, some schools have these implemented by way of school mentor, this could help Charity with her aggression.      Anger management counselling for Ms Webster due to the domestic violence issues. Family Resource Centre for Ms Webster and Charity, this could help them both have contact with other families experiencing similar issues. Counselling for mum due to loss and separation and the children. Counselling for Charity to give her a chance to talk to someone about her experiences and how she feels. Charity spending quality time with her father and sisters. With the care plan identified, this can only go ahead if Ms Webster will give her consent as she has parental responsibility. The legislation I have used is Childrens Act 1989/2004 with S47-Duty to asses risk and S17-Duty to assess need. I have also used Working Together to Safeguard Children, this sets out clear guidelines for multi-agency working to protect children from abuse and neglect, this was needed in relation to Charity. I will now move on to theories and research. Neglect can have major long term effects on all aspects of a childs health, development and well-being. Maltreatment is likely to have a deeper on the childs self image and self esteem. Difficulties may lead on into adulthood and the experience of long term abuse could lead to difficulties in forming or maintaining close relationships, one of the skills needed to be an effective parent (DOH 2000). DOH 2000 also says that the child could have feelings of isolation and the feeling of being unloved. Stress could affect the parents capacity to respond to their childs needs. This relates to this case as Ms Webster is very stresses since her husband left her for another man. In relation to physical abuse and Charity witnessing this, this could be the reason as to why Charity is showing aggression towards people. Physical abuse has been linked to aggressive behaviour in children, emotional and behavioural problems (Working Together). Further research that relates to the case is the Attachment Theory because of Charitys relationship with her mum and vice versa. Bowlby believed that the primary caregiver is the mother. He said that children deprived of maternal care would nearly always be affected in some way. Bowlby (1953). However Ainsworth identified three types of attachment, securely attached, insecurely attached (avoidant) and securely attached (ambivalent). As its core, attachment theory is about the way that childhood needs are met and the long term effects of needs being met or otherwise. Ainsworth (1970). In my opinion I would say Charity is negatively attached. A criticism of Bowlby is that he says that the mother has to be the primary caregiver; this is open to much subjection. Children can have attachment figures other than them receiving it from their mother. In some cultures the childcare is shared, not only by mothers but by fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends Beckett, C, (2002). Anothe r criticism is that it is sexist, it tends to lead to maternal deprivation rather than paternal deprivation, it excuses absent fathers from any imitation of parenting skills. It ignores gender bias and how family make ups can change. This is significant in this case as Mr Webster left the family home. Theory on domestic violence is gendered natured in that, it ignores the facts that female to male violence is increasing. This is significant in this case because Mr Webster had suffered domestic violence issues with his wife. Charity also witnessed domestic violence. Helping victims and children to get protection from violence, by providing relevant practical and other assistance is one of the considerations to include when involved in a child protection case (Working Together pg 2004). There are contradictions within the legislative framework. The Children Act 1989 contravenes the Human Rights Act because S8 of the Human Rights act states that in absolute certainty children should not be removed from their family and the Children Act defines harm but not significant harm. The Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families is not without contradiction. The Joseph Rowntree Foundation 1999, points out that it would be helpful to strengthen the assessment framework by stating that the responsibility of the local authority is not only to promote and safeguard the welfare of the child but also the rights of the child. Throughout my work I will continue to reflect on my practice and how my own values and assumptions may unconsciously affect my decisions.
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