Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Foreshadowing in Narratives
Foreshadowing (for-SHA-doe-ing) is the presentation of details, characters, or incidents in a narrative in such a way that later events are prepared for (or shadowed forth). Foreshadowing, says Paula LaRocque, can be a highly effective means of preparing the reader for what is to come. This storytelling device can create interest, build suspense, and provoke curiosity (​The Book on Writing, 2003). In nonfiction, says author William Noble, foreshadowing works well, so long as we stay with the facts and not impute motivation or circumstance that never happened (The Portable Writers Conference, 2007). Examples and Observations In the opening of The Wizard of Oz, set in Kansas, the transformation of Miss Gulch into a witch on a broomstick foreshadows her reappearance as Dorothys enemy in Oz.The witches in the opening scene of Shakespeares Macbeth foreshadow the evil events that will follow.[In My Journey to Lhasa, Alexandra] David-Neel . . . creates suspense with present tense, we look as if we are starting for a mere tour of a week or two, and foreshadowing, these spoons became, later on, the occasion of a short drama in which I nearly killed a man.(Lynda G. Adamson, Thematic Guide to Popular Nonfiction. Greenwood, 2006) Foreshadowing as a Form of "Backwriting" Foreshadowing can be, in fact, a form of back writing. The writer goes back through the copy and adds foreshadowing to prepare the reader for later events... This does not mean that you are going to give away the ending. Think of foreshadowing as setup. The best foreshadowing is subtle and is woven into the story--often in multiple ways. In this fashion, foreshadowing helps build tension and gives resonance and power to the story. (Lynn Franklin, Literary Theft: Taking Techniques From the Classics. The Journalists Craft: A Guide to Writing Better Stories, ed. by Dennis Jackson and John Sweeney. Allworth, 2002) Foreshadowing in Nonfiction With nonfiction, foreshadowing works well, so long as we stay with the facts and not impute motivation or circumstance that never happened. . . . No he should have thought... or she might have expected... unless we back it up factually.(William Noble, Writing Nonfiction--Using Fiction. The Portable Writers Conference, ed. by Stephen Blake Mettee. Quill Driver Books, 2007) [Alexandra] David-Neels seven chapters [in My Journey to Lhasa: The Classic Story of the Only Western Woman Who Succeeded in Entering the Forbidden City] describe harrowing travel to Thibet* and Lhasa. She creates suspense with present tense, we look as if we are starting for a mere tour of a week or two, and foreshadowing, these spoons became, later on, the occasion of a short drama in which I nearly killed a man.(Lynda G. Adamson, Thematic Guide to Popular Nonfiction. Greenwood Press, 2006) * variant spelling of Tibet Chekhov's Gun In dramatic literature, [foreshadowing] inherits the name Chekhovs Gun. In a letter, he penned in 1889, Russian playwright Anton Chekhov wrote: One must not put a loaded rifle on the stage if no one is thinking of firing it. Foreshadowing can work not only in narrative forms but also in persuasive writing. A good column or essay has a point, often revealed at the end. Which details can you place early to foreshadow your conclusion? (Roy Peter Clark, Writing Tools: 50 Essential Strategies for Every Writer. Little, Brown, 2006)
Monday, December 23, 2019
Figurative Language In Oedipus And Shakespeare - 1183 Words
Sophocles and Shakespeare were both literary artists that published works that have been respected and relevant centuries later. The unique language in historical literature assists in their interpretation and their relevance to modern understanding. The masterful wielding of language, diction, and metaphor contribute to various aspects of their work, adding both elements of drama and realism. By incorporating significant words and lines into their writings, Shakespeare and Sophocles create consistent and fluid plays and stories throughout their lives that offer timeless entertainment. The manipulation of speech seen through various characters such as Teiresias, Oedipus, Margaret, Richmond and Anne play a substantial and crucial role in†¦show more content†¦This juxtaposition of his persona between the two situations shows that Oedipus has fallen out of favor despite his previous heroic actions, and develops his changing character as someone who has turned to arrogance and i gnorance instead of believing anyone else’s advice. This distinguishes Oedipus as a protagonist who started out good and turned bad through the personality traits that arose when unfortunate circumstances occurred. This can be compared to the view of Richard in Shakespeare’s Richard III. Richard from the beginning is referred to in negative terms; Anne calls him a â€Å"dreadful minister of hell†(1.2.47) and similarly, Queen Margaret tells him to â€Å"hie thee to hell for shame, and leave the world, thou cacodemon!†(1.3.143-145). This view of Richard is seen through until the end, when Richmond calls him the â€Å"wretched, bloody, and usurping boar, that spoil’d your summer fields and fruitful vines, swills your warm blood like wash, and makes his trough in your embowell’d bosoms†(5.2.?). Through Richmond, Shakespeare uses figurative language in relating Richard to a boar (the emblem of Richard’s house) and casts him again in a negative light. As seen throughout Richard III, other than those who have been fooled by him, he is seen as a generally violent andShow MoreRelatedClassification of Literature3483 Words  | 14 PagesSonnet Song Elegy POINT OF COMPARISON | PROSE | POETRY | Form | Paragraph | Verse | Language | Words and rhythms of ordinary and everyday language | Metrical, rhythmical, figurative language | Appeal | Intellect | Emotions | Aim | Convince, Inform, Instruct | Stirs the readers imagination, present an ideal of how life should be and how life can be | A. Prose –is an ordinary form of written or spoken language without rhyme or meter, either fiction or nonfiction.Prose is writing that resemblesRead MoreLiterary Criticisms of Shakespeare’s Hamlet Essay1234 Words  | 5 Pages/ And I am sick at heart (I.i.8-9),(1) a foreshadowing of Prince Hamlets melancholy†(Doloff). Shakespeare created this character to indicate Hamlet’s prevalent sadness throughout the play. However, Shakespeare may have intended to give Francisco much more meaning. â€Å"The sentrys foreshadowing of the prince may, indeed, be seen to extend even further, by way of Franciscos embodiment of a figurative injunction against suicide, variously found in well-known works of Shakespeares day†(Doloff). ByRead MoreHumanities Test4641 Words  | 19 Pagesdellearte specialize in? 6.  What is satire? a literary genre or form, although in practice it is also found in the graphic and performing arts, or a literary technique that attacks foolishness by making fun of it. 7. ( T or F ) The prophecies in Oedipus Rex turn out to be wrong. True 8. One actor on stage, speaking his private thoughts aloud is an example of: Soliloquy 10. Satire does what: 11.  Only the opening sentence survives of : Aristotles essay on comedy pg 236 12.  ( T or F ) SatireRead MoreAmerican Literature11652 Words  | 47 Pageswords. The object of writing a poem is usually to make a very complicated statement using as few words as possible; as Laurence Perrine says, poetry may be defined as a kind of language that says more and says it more intensely than does ordinary language (517). Thus every word and stanza is packed with meanings. Poetic language could be said to have muscle because, in a sense, it is powerful. When a poet writes, he is trying to communicate with the reader in a powerful way. He uses the elements of
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Personal risk management plan Free Essays
Risk and costs happen all the time in our lives. Everyone will encounter a variety of risks. A risk management plan is a process that identifies loss exposures faced by an organization and selects the most appropriate techniques for trading such exposures. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal risk management plan or any similar topic only for you Order Now The first step for all of the risk plans is identifying the loss exposures. The first kind of loss exposure I’m identifying is health loss exposures. This kind of loss exposure can be costly, such as disability, sickness or even premature death. The second loss exposure is property loss, such as pet damage for the apartment. I have a cat for which I have to pay a deposit for it to live in the apartment, but it may damage the apartment and that will cost me; it’s a loss exposure. Loss of equipment can be a property loss such as a lost cell phone in class, a stolen Pad or a laptop left in the library. I lost my pod before and I know I will never get it back. Also, bank accounts or online accounts can be stolen or used by someone else. Car theft or a car accident can be accounted as a property loss. If the car gets stolen or if it gets into an accident, such as no fault, fault with property damage or fault with bodily injury, I won’t have anything to drive. The third one, for me, is the foreign loss exposures. Because I’m from a foreign country, I have to travel to go back home so when I take the plane, some loss exposures exist, such as acts of terrorism on the plane or at the airport, accidents, and lost baggage in the airport with all my belongings inside. Sometimes, when I purchase plane tickets I also purchase the flight insurance to cover up the loss if anything happens. Also the currency lost exposures are also under the foreign loss exposures. For example, I bought Chinese currency when the exchange rate was 1 :8 and now the exchange rate change to 1:6, I lost part of my money because of the change of the currency in the market and the possibility that the rate may keep dropping throughout times. The fourth catalog I have is the crime exposures including robbery and fire damage. In addition to the big part of crime exposures, there are Internet and computer loss exposures and identify loss, such as losing your passport or ID card. The second step for a risk management plan is to analyze the loss exposures and he third step is to select an appropriate risk management technique for treating the loss exposure utilizing the risk management matrix. There are a number of changes of loss under the health loss exposure catalog. According to my insurance policy, sickness is identified as â€Å"Illness or disease which first manifests itself, is contracted or commences, and for which a licensed physician identified diagnosis is recorded during the period the Insured Person’s coverage is in force†. The probability of me getting sick during the flu season is really high. I may have to go to the clinic to get reattempts and skip classes, which will cost me the chance to be in class and learn knowledge. For that circumstance, the loss frequency is low and the loss severity is not high, either. If I missed class while I was in the clinic, I could get an excuse for being sick. I could also ask my classmates for the notes and even email my professors to ask what I missed and study it by myself, after all. Depending on the risk management matrix in the case, my getting the flu fits the retention technique. But if I get a horrible virus from the flu that causes me to stay in the hospital and be absent or a few days, the loss severity will be higher because the cost of recovery will be higher and the cure time will be longer. In that case, I need the medical insurance that Marshall University requires all the international students to have. The medical expense benefits under the policy are the maximum benefit of $250,000 per injury and sickness with the deductible of $50 per policy year. The policy will pay 90% of the POP (preferred provider organization) allowance for covered medical expenses incurred until an out of pocket maximum of $5,000 has been met; then 100% of POP allowance is paid thereafter, and the accidental death benefit is $1 5,000 per life. From the technique of risk management, we can tell this kind of loss with low loss frequency and high severity belongs to the insurance. The insurance company won’t mind if it happened one time. Nonetheless, this kind of loss can be avoided easily, like keeping myself warm and washing my hands more often, not going out in the public so frequently during the flu season. Damage to my 2012 Mazda 3 because of a collision with another vehicle, nature, or another hazard would be handled through this risk management plan technique of insurance. My current auto policy has both the comprehensive coverage and collision coverage with a deductible set at $1,000 on each. Bodily injury liability of property damaging limit for each accident is $25,000; medical payments coverage for each person is $5,000. Uninsured motor vehicle coverage is If I get in an accident damaged the car and have to put it into the shop, I have the car rental and travel expenses coverage, and the insurance company will cover 80% of the rental for each day and $500 for each loss. Also the deductible is $400 on my car. Because I’m a new driver, in the case of an accident the loss severity is high. However, because I’m a new driver, I pay more attention to not cause an accident so the loss frequency is low. The appropriate risk management plan is insurance. Online and banking accounts can be hacked easily today, all of my information can be found online. Bank cards can be copied by online shopping; some websites reveal my payment information and a few days later I received a phone call from my bank telling me my card had been used on a few websites spending a mass of money on strange things. They thought is was identity theft so they froze my account and stopped the payments and also made a cancellation. Under this condition, loss frequency is really high and the loss severity can be high as well, so the appropriate risk management technique is avoidance. A foreign loss exposure such as currency is a high chance of loss. When I first came to the Untied States, the exchange rate between dollars and Chinese Yuan was 1 to 8. 3, it meaning 1 dollar was worst 8 Yuan. My father bought at least $25,000 and wired it to my account when the rate was around 1:8. 3, but a short time after the read, the rate went down to 1:7. China’s economy is growing, so fast that exchange rate is Just keeps dropping, so we lost some money Just because the currency rate was dropping and kept dropping. Using the risk management matrix, you can see the loss frequency is high because Chinese money is worth more value everyday and the loss severity is also high, so the best I can do it to avoidance the loss. So now my father only transfers little amounts of money to my account and puts the majority in the bank. Once I swipe the card in the USA the bank exchanges the money with the rent exchange rate to avoid the loss exposure from the rate dropping. I currently reside in an apartment in Huntington and my rental office requires that everyone have to have renters insurance. According the text, I would have low frequency and high severity when dealing with rental insurance. My renters insurance is through my host family’s homeowner’s insurance policy, which is provided from State Farm. My current deductible is set at $1000 and the current policy has the following covers the following: Personal Property up to $20,000, Personal Liability for each occurrence p to $100,000, Medical Payments for each occurrence up to $1,000, Credit Card/ Bank Card and Forgery up to $1,000, Damage to Property of Others up to $1,000, Loss of Use (Actual Loss Sustained) up to $500. The current policy also has added on Endorsements, which included the following: Jewelry and Fur up to $1000, Silver/ Gold ware Theft up to $2,500, Business Property up to $1 ,500, Firearms up to $2,500, Home Computer up to $5,000, Fire Department Service Charge up to $500 When reviewing the risk management, I find out I don’t really have a lot of protection insurance. When it is time for me to implement my plans by contacting insurance agencies and finding the best one to meet my needs. Then the step that I would take would be to go over all of my risk assessments every year to better insurance that I am getting the best deal. This would change if a major purchase occur, such as a child was born, or a newer car was purchased. My personal risk management will be easily assessed, because you continuously have to pay the bills on insurance and so you are reminded of it. However, it’s important to reconsider your policies and needs, so that you can revise your policies correspondingly. How to cite Personal risk management plan, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Strategies of Academic Writing
Question: Write about theStrategies of Academic Writing. Answer: A flawless academic writing is very important in todays world for students of both schools and colleges. Parents and guardians always encourage the children to read newspapers and storybooks both to have knowledge regarding the world and to develop well rhetorical skills and good stock of words. These are the thing, which helps a student to increase their understanding and thinking ability (Bertsch Pesta, 2014). After this come the three important aspects of writing skill. The first is taking notes, the second is paraphrasing and the third is summarizing. The learning, thinking and writing potentialities increases by these three strategies. In this essay there is a thorough discussion about the main aims of note-taking, paraphrasing and summarizing. Then one can accelerate these aspects of writing skills and the methods involved in it. In academic writing, it is very important that the students and the research scholars must adopt and follow certain strategies and rules so that the students can become more equipped in their field. Paraphrasing, taking notes and summarizing are the important strategies. First, there will be a discussion about the note taking technique. From the very childhood, one has heard about listening to the teachers in the classroom and writing in the notebooks. There are textbooks, which helps us to learn about specific matters but unless and until the teachers explain it to the students properly, the students are not capable of deciphering something from it. Nevertheless, the problem remains because the students cannot retain those things and they forget or topsy-turvy the things which he or she has learnt. For this reason, much emphasis is given on taking notes. Thus, the main functions of the note taking is to record facts and information and to have reflection of certain things, then it h elps the students to learn things from the notes (Blankenship, 2016). The other two purposes of taking note are to resolve problems for having a clear concept of complex documents, writing reports and solving mathematical problems. There are some procedures of taking notes. It is known to everyone that the average writing speed of a student is around 0.3 to 0.4 words/ second, whereas a lecturer speaks at a rate of around 2 to 3 words/second. The teachers will not explain one thing or dictate same thing more than once. Therefore, in that case the student has to develop their linguistic skill like acquiring the skills of abbreviation, writing the letters in short hand. There are some attributes which solves the problem of information transmission rather triggers the students to take more notes which helps them in their studies (Cromley Wills, 2016). They are: Writing on the board by the teachers helps the students to take notes accurately. Thus for the reason the teachers are suggest ed to write accurately and precisely on the boards. The teachers are also recommended to dictate slowly and with prominent vocal voice so that the student can understand and write the necessary things. An educator can also write things on the board by the form of listing things (Ruby Ruby, 2014). Another unique feature which the teachers or educators can use is macro-textual planning indicator which organize and structure the segments and division for example expressions such as firstly/secondly or first question/second question can be used to dictate or write on the board (Podhajski, 2016). All these factors enhance the students to take notes. Paraphrasing is another important strategy of the academic learning. The main purposes of the paraphrasing are to understand and critically analyze the facts from a particulars source. The second one is to avoid plagiarism and to write unique things about a particular matter. Plagiarism means writing or copying something from other sources. Paraphrasing helps to write things in a unique form. Another important feature is to provide proper evidence and documents in the writing. In paraphrasing, the writing is similar to the original writing. There are specific examples given in the paraphrasing part of writing. There must be proper evidence to substantiate the arguments. The use of in-text referencing and footnotes must be included in the paraphrasing. There are specific elements in properly paraphrasing the original work. The first thing is using the Academic Note Template, which helps to track the source and focus on the specific issues of the original text. The second important ste p is learning and reading the original text. There must be emphasis on important facts of the original work. However, one has to write from the original work but also in a unique form. Thus, in order to do the work uniquely one has to change the order of the ideas, one has to twist and change the structure and grammar of the original work (Griffiths et al. 2016). If plagiarism is found in any dissertation, thesis and other assignments then that thesis or dissertation might be totally rejected and in some cases a degree of the student is cancelled. Finally, the phrases of the original work must be change instead of changing the original work. Thus, facts derived from the internet must be properly referenced so from an authentic source. The prime thing is check all the information derived from the internet so that the sources must be of the renowned scholars. The in texting and citation must be accurate as that of the bibliography. Hence, it can be said that paraphrasing supports atta ining of the ethical responsibility of a writer and it increases the creative writing skill of a student (Hagaman, Casey, Reid, 2016). Summarizing is also one of the important aspects of writing skill. This is because if one writes a good summary then it denotes that one has clearly understood text or a document (Wong, 2014). Thus, a good summary helps the learners and readers to understand about the original text. Sometimes there is difficulty in writing summary, so for this reason there are eight steps, which are required to follow: - First, one has to search out the key points of the text. Then that key points have to be divided into parts by giving heading and sub-heading. One can also highlight some specific important terms. After this, one has to focus on the authors tone, main style of writing and the main things which the author wants to say to the readers. Then, to write summary the student or reader should definitely underline the exact main points and try to understand thoroughly if he or she cannot do it then one should clarify these important points (Higgins et al., 2015). After this in the main heading s and sub-headings one must write about the only prime points one must not include any trivial matter in these sections. Now, from these prime points one should construct a thesis statement, which reflects the main purpose of the summary. This thesis statement can be considered as the introduction part of the body and other headings should be the main body of the summary. A summary must contain a topic sentence, which provides facts about the creators of the piece, which one is summarizing, and contain about the title of this information. There are some important features, which makes the summary very precise and distinct. They are: - The summary should be written in present tense. The author and title of the original work must be there. The summary should be short in length; it should not be same just as like the main text. If the writer has to write the words of the author then he or she must cite the words, if not this then the writer must use his or her original words (Harris, 2016). There is no personal thinking, viewpoint in the summary. This is because the main aim of writing the summary is that it must contain the main ideas of the author written in the text, it is not a critical writing in which he or she gives her opinion (McDonough, Crawford De Vleeschauwer, 2014). A writer must avoid grammatical and punctuation mistake while writing the summary. Thus, to avoid these types of mistakes, one must check its work at least two or three times. If one follows these attributes while writing summary then definitely the main aim of the summary is fulfilled. In conclusion, one can say that the three weapons of writing skills that is paraphrasing, taking notes and summarizing are equally required to improve the writing skill of a student or any other person who is related to the academic field. A student has to be very attentive if he or she wants to perform well in writing skills. This is because in order to take class notes in school or college inevitably the students have to acquire concentration power because even if the teachers cooperate with the students. In many cases, it can be found that the teachers cannot give so much of time due to time or other things, and then the teacher has to be very fast. After this one can analysis about the paraphrasing. The main characteristic of the paraphrasing is to write according to the length of the original piece but one has to write in a unique and new form. Again summarizing the writing should be not equal to the original text, it should be precise but it must contain all the important ideas of the author. Finally, in both the cases the writer has to develop a strong linguistic sense, which uplifts the level of writing. Reference Bertsch, S., Pesta, B. J. (2014). Generating active learning.Acknowledgments and Dedication, 71. Blankenship, M. W. (2016). Comparing Note Taking And Test Performance( (Doctoral dissertation, Ball State University). Cromley, J. G., Wills, T. W. (2016). Flexible strategy use by students who learn much versus little from text: transitions within think?aloud protocols.Journal of Research in Reading,39(1), 50-71. Griffiths, G. G., Sohlberg, M. M., Kirk, C., Fickas, S., Biancarosa, G. (2016). Evaluation of use of reading comprehension strategies to improve reading comprehension of adult college students with acquired brain injury.Neuropsychological rehabilitation,26(2), 161-190. Hagaman, J. L., Casey, K. J., Reid, R. (2016). Paraphrasing strategy instruction for struggling readers.Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth,60(1), 43-52. Harris, R. (2016).Using sources effectively: Strengthening your writing and avoiding plagiarism. Routledge. Higgins, B., Reeh, M., Cahill, P., Duncan, D. (2015). Supporting Early and Ongoing University Student Experiences Through Academic Skills AdviserServices.Journal of the Australia and New Zealand Student Services Association. McDonough, K., Crawford, W. J., De Vleeschauwer, J. (2014). Summary writing in a Thai EFL university context.Journal of second language writing,24, 20-32. Podhajski, B. (2016). Teaching listening comprehension.Perspectives on Language and Literacy,42(3), 43. Ruby, P., Ruby, R. (2014). Note taking skills: everybody needs them.J. Bus. Econ,5(4), 443-448. Wong, L. (2014).Essential study skills. Nelson Education.
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